Rabbit Troop forever

I was going to comment (Fuck these fucking sexist pigs) then I thought… what's MLA got to say about this. So, thank you and
amen, sister. And I've got a mantra for you: Harris, Waters, Yates…
Thankfully some heroes are emerging from this ongoing nightmare we find ourselves in.

Somebody here does….

Can't. Wait. For. LEGION

Hugs and love to anyone who's grieving a pet. At this point, I've had one cat die at the vet after a horrifying 3 week illness that they could never explain (she was only 8!) one I found and had to put in a cardboard box to bring to the 24 hour emergency clinic, my first dog, who the vet came to the house to euthanize

Sympathetic upvote, hug, and a little envy that your honey made it to 16. My 11 year old cat died unexpectedly in 2014 and now the poor little one gets terrible mats in her fur because the big girl was her groomer. She loved every single person who came through the door. She loved my first dog so much she'd watch us

The Irish setter my mom had as a single woman, when she met my father, married him, and had me showed up at a psychic reading once. He told her that he was a good boy and he didn't feel anymore pain (he had had epilepsy). The reader said it was the first time a pet had appeared. No idea if it's true, of course,

(While informing me that I was mistaken about what I was responding to when I wrote my comment.) Condescending?
This guy knows me better than I know myself!

"You folks have no perspective and it is pathetic. Not my fault you don't recognize that. You guys who are upset about this, now, are frankly part of the problem with our society today."
To speak in the vernacular you're evidently more comfortable with- You stupid fucking douchebag. Let me tell you something about this

I completely agree! But that point can be made without resorting to the most patronizing, brutally condescending manner, which is what I was responding to here.

K. Thanks for sharing.

Ugh, so sorry. This is what happens when I go directly from news sites to the avclub. I get fired up about the news, and since breaking shit/punching people is not a feasible option, I often end up directing my anger here.

False outrage

Indeed I do. In that case, the phrase was definitely appropriate.

Thanks! But I really don't need to change anyone's mind. I just need to get angry about the things I get angry about without strangers saying "Tsk, tsk, you're getting angry about that petty nonsense?" And while I agree 100% about your second point, I've only ever heard the term used to denigrate liberal/progressive

Sympathetic upvote and hug. I hope you, your dad, and everyone else affected by it has managed to find some peace.

Thank you!
I had an absolutely terrifying reaction to Paxil (worse than any other drug experience, not to say that I have, ahem, tons of experience with illicit drugs). I won't go into too much detail, but if I had done something dangerous in an attempt to stop the horror show going on inside my brain (which I

I'm not sure if you think you're being ironic, but just to be clear- I don't give a shit whether other people get angry about the same issues I do (and frankly, I envy the people who aren't angry about everything all the time.) Do I believe that everyone needs to think Maher is wrong to use a racial slur on live tv?

"False outrage"- term used to dismiss other people's anger and frustration over an issue I personally don't give a shit about/ that doesn't affect me in any way.
Few things in this world enrage me more than a complete stranger dictating what a shit-ton of people should/should not get angry about.
Users of the term

Funny, because I think it's pathetic to dismiss an angry response to an issue that you personally don't give a shit about as "false outrage".
You don't care about popular entertainers using racial slurs on live television- how noble and superior you must be! Particularly given the racism I'm sure you've dealt with

Fuck you!
*weeps, slams bedroom door*