Rabbit Troop forever


Though likely for different reasons, Mr. Patinkin.

I actually remember being both nervous and skeptical about this movie. The book was a family favorite (and yes, I was old enough for it to be a personal favorite as well, so there,) and we weren't sure a movie could do it justice.
So grateful we were wrong!!!

Upvoted for the sentiment and also for Mabel.

The video for Black Hole Sun, except I'm not ashamed to be afraid of it because it's scary as fuck!

Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod,
I read the first one for a children's lit class, because my professor said that she had to figure out how to cook dinner with it in her left hand, because she couldn't set it down. Now, I have to read them again. Also, yay!

That's probably because Sadie Frost was the best from that particular film!
I love that movie in all its trashy glory, and she is just perfect- especially compared to the drippy dullness of Ryder and Reeves.

So many great movies!!! I haven't seen all of them, but the ones I haven't are definitely on my list.
It's like the unread books on my bookshelves, knowing they're there waiting for me makes me happy.

I only love you more for making use of your local library!!!

Here's where I get to be the pretentious jackass who says, "Yes, yes, the movie was good, but did you read the book?
Seriously, though, did you read Room? I read it and loved it but never got to discuss it w anyone besides my mom.

He was born a man! He is. A warrior.

What Two Fucks for Bela said.

Whyyyy is everything so hard, for Toki?

Yes, that is the one.

a) *curtsies*
b) Already did
c) Love you for trying

*whispers, so Ifwewait won't hear,* No, no, no, yours was much funnier

One day my mom called to tell me, "Someone was mean to you on the avclub!"
After I was able to stop laughing, I said, "Wait a minute, what did the person say?"
"Rabbit Troop sucks!" Again, once I could stop laughing, I explained why that's not mean, it just means that the person gets the reference.
So, yeah, Home Movies

I'm thrilled to know there's a real live person this charming, gracious, and just generally adorable.
And he bred successfully! Humanity thanks you, Casper.

When you're tempted to criticize a black woman's behavior by stating, "I don't know that white men act like that. White men don't complain about how they don't feel appreciated, etc etc. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but her bad behavior seems to me more woman-like, less man-like."
Don't. Really, really don't.

Good point. Ditto the el in Chicago