Rabbit Troop forever

You are absolutely correct. I didn't mean to suggest that they can cure every mental health problem.

Interesting, thanks!
Still more on that page than I'd expect to agree with from any pope.

I know he has said that women who've had abortions can be forgiven, but I can't recall if he's said anything about birth control. Has he?
He certainly seems capable of understanding the need for controlling population size, maybe the birth control issue is just yet to be addressed….

Meditation and CBT are everything.
I'm teaching a yoga/meditation class at work later this month, and I'm hoping to make it a reoccurring thing. I'm convinced there isn't a person alive who couldn't benefit from the practice.

Which one is Paxil?
I wanted to swan dive out the window after taking that shit. It was my most terrifying drug taking experience, and without revealing too much, let's just say it's very surprising that my worst experience would have come from a legally prescribed medication.

"Worse, the disappointment in myself for falling apart bothered me at least as much as the panic attacks themselves -"
Truer words, man. As a mental health professional, anxious person and a person who cares about people in general, that one makes me crazy. We compound all our problems by berating ourselves for getting

My first panic attack happened shortly after I started taking a new antidepressant. I was in the gift shop of a Cracker Barrel (yes, I know). The room was very crowded, and all the white noise sort of melded so that the only voice that was distinct was my mom's, but I couldn't see her, or anyone else familiar.

There's an elderly gentleman in my neighborhood who cruises around on a recumbent bike with a huge 80s style boom box duct taped to the back, from which he blares big band music from (possibly?) the 20s.
Yes, I live in the world's best neighborhood.

"Not that there’s no white people on public transportation in L.A., but the few times that I have taken the subway, and when I would take the bus and everything, it’s lower-income, non-white people. I don’t think that the city is geared toward caring about them that much."
As opposed to the rest of the country….

I just wanted to say that I love this story/comment, so thanks!
(Also the Tiffany Aching series)

Bar-ton Fink!
Bar-ton Fink!

I literally heard him say that and I still have a hard time believing it actually happened. Good lord.
That's when I have to take a deep breath and remember that no one chooses to be a fucking moron.

I was really enjoying this thread until I discovered that this comment only had one upvote.
Now, I'm disappointed and ashamed. Get it together, avclub commentariat!

Yep, supermodels and grannies. My mom marveled at that phenomenon when we were in Italy. I was a US 4/6, in Italy, XL. My gargantuan sizes weren't even stocked in the fucking stores, they'd have to go to some warehouse down the street!
We expected to see gorgeous and elegant older women, but beyond the young ones,

I'm not your pal, guy!

Cool, thanks!

Ah, the classy and elegant version of "Woohoo".

I think his hair on GoT is incredibly sexy, actually. Prior to Hardhome it was the only thing I liked about him.

Ideally, yes.
If not the madwoman locked in the attic setting the house on fire.

Secretly bookish, 'cause I was a cheerleader.
That's right, boys, you got a real live (former) high school cheerleader in your midst!
(Hence the stellar WOOHOO)