Rabbit Troop forever

I still can't believe that I found that one guy to be nearly the funniest thing in that Andy Samberg tennis thing, which then convinced me that he is actually both talented and
Odd, since he is definitely NOT attractive in the tennis thing, and while other people found him attractive in GoT, his acting

"Crimson Peak is a Gothic romance, not a horror movie. He adds that when he showed the movie to Alfonso Cuarón, Cuarón told him that he was really channeling his “inner 14-year-old bookish girl.""
Uhm, WOOHOO!!!
The only thing I love more than horror is a good gothic romance. Especially since they were my favorite when

Don't be sad, I can't even remember if I've ever seen it.

But that's only because if you think you don't like the Dead, you just haven't heard the right shows yet.
God help me, I really do believe that.

I'm a lowly intern.

I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a woman, but Dinah-Moe Humm is fucking hilarious.

"I'm never as cruel to anyone as I am to myself."
Welcome to the human race, man. Imagine the meanest asshole you know (for me, that would be 2 of the women in my extended family!) I promise you that the nastiness you encounter is a pale shadow of the thoughts going through their mind all day. That's how I'm able to

You'd never allow anyone to tell dear Putter stories like the ones you tell yourself.

Stories, stories, stories!!!

See, you're already quite skilled at telling yourself horror stories. Rewrite that shit, man.
They're all just stories, so you may as well make nice ones. In my field we create social stories for children. We write a story about an activity or behavior they struggle with (riding on the bus, eating lunch w peers,

Okay, so start telling yourself that for 10 minutes every day…. then 20, 30… Use your commute! Create a phrase you can repeat over and over.
The bonus is that even if you don't meet the perfect woman (like there is such a thing,) you get to live your life as a smart, funny, interesting guy. I know it sounds like such

*big hug*

Please interpret my upvote as a big (metaphorical) hug.
Not metaphorical because it's just an upvote, but because I'm not really a hugger.

I'm in the midst of a five year (with a one night reprieve last fall) dry spell!
Would it be overstepping to suggest that your attitude is self-defeating?
So you haven't met the right woman yet. It's not like a series of failed relationships would make you any more prepared for a good relationship. You're smart and

This is that movie in which nothing bad happens to any living creature, ESPECIALLY TURTLES,

Seriously. How could Paris Hilton possibly keep track of all the people who've puked in her closet?

Try everything at Zingerman's!

Having never seen HoC, I can assure you that you are correct.

"but it annoys me that Game of Thrones won for, arguably, its lousiest season."
Arguably? Who would argue?!
But, yeah, that was my first thought, too.

I had to google it to see what you're referring to, but yeah, anyone who's that passionate about sharks is okay by me.