Rabbit Troop forever

Very interesting point, thanks!

Thank you!!!
I'm much less ashamed now.

As for HC, *pauses to barf into nearest trash receptacle, then once again wishes she had never heard of it and had NO IDEA WHAT IT WAS ABOUT* I don't know. *barfs again*
Sorry, I'm much better now, thank you. But the god awful Saw and Hostel films I'll watch any time they're on. And by "watch", I mean have on in the

I, uhm, ahem, actually liked Hostel 2. *hangs head in shame*
At least in the sense that I found it both scary and disturbing, as opposed to just disgusting (a la the Saw movies).
The scenes of the people bidding on the girls were so fucking creepy, the tension on the train, even the admittedly lame switcheroo of the

I'm still pumped, this looks creepy as hell.

Fair enough.

You're welcome to keep saying that if it makes you happy to feel superior to people who aren't skinny. But if you want to believe that it's actually true, then I'd avoid all available research on the subject.

There are movies that I loved when I was younger that I realized later were not so great, but this is the only movie that I've just lost the stomach for over the years.
No question that it's a masterpiece! But the casual and brutal violence combined with the overall ugliness of the people and their lifestyle… The first

Interesting. Good for them!
(Still doesn't change the fact that the image shown above was not the one considered controversial, though.)

Not the image shown above.
Are you suggesting that this quote "R.I.P the 1,455,590 innocent Iraqis who died during the U.S. invasion for something they didn’t do" was all over Facebook? I definitely never saw it.

It wasn't the image, it was his statement about the number of lives lost in the Iraq war.

Sold. Well played, avclub!
I'm gonna start season 1 tonight.

A childhood friend turned 13 on Friday the 13th, and we watched however many Friday the 13th movies were out at the time.
Next time try that, instead of causing natural disasters.


Labor Day sometimes falls on my birthday, which I find amusing.
Get it, born on Labor Day?
………I'm sorry.
It's really hot. Also, I have allergies.

Michelangelo's David. Absolutely took my breath away.

I vividly remember the first time I saw that video. I'd gone to a friend's house after school and, ahem, my town didn't have cable yet, so I'd never seen mtv. My friend put it on specifically to watch that video and the guys were all excited to see it again and it was so hilarious to see them imitate Axl's dancing and

My freshman year of college I was watching Flea and Anthony Keidis host 120 Minutes (yes, I am old) and they introduced a song by a band I'd never heard of, and AK made a crack about checking out the cheerleaders in the video.
Yeah, I'll say it, the first time I heard/saw the video for Smells Like Teen Spirit

That reminds me of one of the things I liked about Scream 4- it was obvious that (at least one) Ghostface was either unwilling or unable to exert much energy. No running, no repeated stabbing… a Ghostface who seemed to be weak and/or lazy was both new and a fun clue to who the killer might be.

I thought the section about all the creatures that can kill you was the best part!
And unlike (drive-by/mass) shootings, the number of lethal beasts in Oz in no way reflects poorly on its citizens.