Rabbit Troop forever

That's my favorite, I definitely think it's his funniest.

Bummer. I love Bill Bryson and, although it's not my favorite of his, I love this book. Because of him, whenever I'm having a terrible day, I remind myself *Someday, this will all be thirty years ago*

Especially nerdy, you say?
*ears perk up*

Philosophically coherent?
Who cares, you're the pope!
Also, I agree.

That's basically what my parents did. They taught me what they believed (karma, reincarnation, and such) but with the idea that I would eventually choose for myself.
I imagine that this particular brand of Christianity would have been the worst case scenario for them.

"she means something like "fight to change the culture for Christ."
Still scary.

I love that guy!
Not this one, though.

I just used that one yesterday!

Oh good, the curtains are on fire.

I think The Ring had the perfect amount of backstory, by which I mean almost none.
We knew A. the girl was adopted, and B. she had evil powers- and that's it.
No idea where she came from, who her biological parents were, how and why she became evil and/or powerful, etc. Even the tape, aside from the seven days til

I used to like Taibbi. Now I'm sad.
And disgusted.

"but just because colony collapse disorder freaks me the fuck out. I actually wouldn't mind seeing this becoming a trend"
If anything, this story makes me love and respect Flea and hope that others follow his lead. Bees are everything, people!

Just had to make sure that someone mentioned Charlotte.
*dabs at eyes*

I love a good horror movie, so I hope this is good!

For the past 16 years, Jon Stewart has been (to be fair, unknowingly) the boyfriend to my mother and grandmother.
May he enjoy life as a free man.

The finale made me so sad I had to watch the Lego Movie again. Chris Pratt, even in Lego form, makes everything better.

Come on man, the subject is dog reaction shots, not crowning achievements of the modern era.

I felt similarly about Ian McShane.

No, no he was not.