Rabbit Troop forever

I thought the skeletons were creepy as fuck and Jojen's death was brutal. Hmph

Their cheerful nature and unpretentious wisdom redeems us all!


It's even better than Donna Martin insisting that telling kids to be safe around a pool isn't enough- you'd better make sure they know how to swim!

Come on, man, are you really suggesting that all of America's problems weren't caused by female welfare recipients?
I mean, who wields all the power in this country, rich white men? *scoffs*


" I call to Michael the Archangel to come forward with your sword of blue flame to cut ties to all H.A.A. R.P. programs on the planet, where ever they are located, and cut all ties to every piece of equipment of the H.A.A.R.P program from whomever or whatever created you. No matter what material you are made off,

Upvoted for first paragraph
Downvoted for kitten diarrhea

Thank you! That's exactly my problem with the plot line (well, one of them anyway).
The only reason we've been given for why Paul would remain in the closet is that HE seems to consider homosexuality a vile abomination. There has been no indication whatsoever that anyone else would give a shit. (Okay, maybe his drunk

He got his ass owned, man!
Uhm, evidently.
I'm guessing this Mr. Gethard is a fierce supporter of correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

How dare you!
Nerds are smart.

Benny, Benny,
Los Benitos
And I hold my nose when I say that. Deliberately.
Drinky, the drunk person

Please elaborate.

That's a great fucking idea.

Interesting points, thanks!

Again, I was referring to her facial expressions. She went from disbelief to *omg, really?* I could have misread the scene, but that's how she looked to me.

Lol. But that's kind of my point- they started out as a team/ a united front. She was supposed to be smart, rational, and very supportive. Now, it's like *Yeah, yeah, money, avocados, hoodlums, boo hoo, just give me a damn baby already!*
It seems as if the state he's in right now isn't even a consideration for her,

Eh, no, that's actually a joke about a character from Mad Max, Fury Road. Hence, the image above.

Yeah, I thought the same thing.
Know what's even better than paying to circumvent the local water conservation efforts?
Actually conserving the fucking water.

I love you all for this thread.
The idea that freedom of speech equals freedom from criticism, ugh.
I mean sure, in an ideal world, the things that people say would never have any consequences, but unfortunately these are the dark days in which we live.