Rabbit Troop forever

The man never watched an episode in his life!

I love this story and I would definitely have taken a two hour train ride in order to see Station Master Tama.

Well, just as general principle, I would hope that they would need more information than "He says he didn't do it" in order to dismiss the allegations.
And our common sense reaction is based on knowing what actually happened. If we didn't, the idea that she refused his offer and that's why he hauled her in is

You wear a dirty robe?

Entirely possible. I just think it's odd to insist that he must be dead simply because he would be IRL. It's fiction, and we don't know what the writers are up to, yet.

I hope that their idea of making it interesting doesn't include his super creepy mom in some way.

Some alloy of admantium and mithril.

At one point I felt like Farrell gave a lengthy speech in another language. Totally unintelligible to me.

Spoiler from the *next time on TD* preview thing?
The captain said "he shot…" rather than killed, which one would consider the more noteworthy offense.

I had no idea that so many people I like are on this show. So glad it got a good review!

I don't generally watch modern day Simpsons episodes, but I absolutely love The Book Job.

Don drove Sally to boarding school, visited Bobby at camp, attended Gene's birthday party even though he wasn't wanted, took the kids to California/Disney Land, took them to see where he'd grown up, bonded with Bobby at the movies, bought Sally a puppy (after he'd built a playhouse for her that morning,) kept in touch

No, you're right. Failing to pick up the cake for his daughter's fifth birthday party makes him one of fiction's worst fathers.
Especially since it had no impact whatsoever on Sally's day. And it was one incident from the first season of the show's 8 year run.

Sally was having fun with her friends, she never even noticed/cared that he was gone. I've worked with children for over twenty years, and believe me, that was the year her dad gave her a puppy for her birthday, not the year he forgot the fucking cake.
And there was nothing wrong with Helen Bishop, it's Betty's

Two families!
The screenshot is his secret family.

He was a shitty, wretched, horrible piece of shit husband, but he really wasn't a bad father.

Yes, because he came home with a puppy.
Puppy > birthday cake
Also, I think people forget how vile the adult guests were. Their neighbors were pretty monstrous.

Well, I don't root for Jon Snow because he's interesting, but because he's good.
Good is an awfully rare commodity among the parade of monsters on GoT.

Agreed on all points except the fap folder.
And your use of the word 'delicious' with respect to a scene involving so many unpleasant bodily fluids.

These are not the doors of a billionaire, Richard!!!