Rabbit Troop forever

I'm a school psychologist, and that first paragraph really bums me out (yes, I am old). It sucks that your school let you down. Someone definitely should have stepped in- to help you, and to address the bullying in general.
That's awesome about Clueless, though.
Three cheers for popular culture!

Also the year I graduated high school.
Something about kids… and a lawn *waves cane angrily*

The pun!
WHAT WAS THE PUN? Seriously, though, I must know.

Hobbes was a manifestation of imagination in the most obvious, literal sense- just like Spaceman Spiff and Tracer Bullet.
But loneliness is the reason Hobbes was necessary for Calvin.
Most children have active imaginations, but there's a reason Calvin used his to create a constant companion, rather than using his

Thank you!

You and me both. I'm hoping someone else looks up 1973.

I found the behind the scenes look at their business to be among the most disturbing. Absolutely ghoulish.
And when the son talks about how his grandparents were fleeced in similar ways in Vegas?!?
*My grandparents' lives were ruined thanks to a business model just like ours (nervous laughter)*

I was a bit nervous to read the comments.
Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity, Excitable Misunderstood Genius!

I'd argue precisely the opposite. They both enjoy(ed) torture, but Ramsay's, eh, inclinations have consistently served a purpose. Joffrey wanted to inflict physical and emotional pain for the sake of his own amusement, Ramsay's horrific actions have helped him achieve his goals.
Ramsay is evil+strategic, whereas


No, the Boltons (with or without a misplaced apostrophe) are not the worst.
THE WORST are the people who talk about the books in the Newbies threads.

Is it really? Ramsay said that he needed twenty men to fuck up Stannis' army.
Twenty men got in, burned all the food, and set horses on fire. Happy coincidence?
That shit had Ramsay's name all over it.

People who "don't spend the following day pouring over message boards"?

Only if you take the word telegraphing literally.

Hungry or not, if I watched my king burn his only child alive I would join those Boltons as quickly as my skinny legs could get my ass to Winterfell.
Ramsay may be fucking psychotic, but Roose seems a vast improvement over Stannis at this point.

I just ordered their peach fritters and apple cider vinegar health tonic today!
(Unabashedly and un-ironically adores the Vermont Country Store)

My mom loves Mad Max, takes her ninety one year old mother to see it in 3D,
and still wants to see it again.
Alas, grandma didn't love it. No appreciation for the finer points of Tom Hardy.

Everything in Fantasia is great!

I read this my freshman year of college because it was the only book my roommate owned.
It wasn't terrible, but it still strikes me as a very peculiar choice for one's only book.

No, we don't know what the source material says, because this is the NEWBIES REVIEW.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Fuck off to the Experts review, or just fuck off.