Rabbit Troop forever

"the actors backlit so that they look like a variation on the “Vase or two faces?” illusion in which the left side of the vase blames the right side for multiple family tragedies"

Probably, but they will understand.

A rich American celebrity, no less.

Downvoted for what's-his-naming TOM HARDY

I saw this with my seventy year old mom. She loves Tom Hardy. And Mad Max, and RW, etc…
She loved it and wants to see it again.

My seventy year old mom walked out of the theater beaming, "Those MRAs were right!"
She made exactly the same point you did (except for calling it pussy). And yes, it is absolutely fucking hilarious. Deserves a good ole Nelson Muntz

I didn't defend the actions within the story and I don't see how being raped by a woman could possibly ease the trauma of being sexually assaulted by men. The vast majority of your comment argues points I never made and don't agree with. Odd. One might even say that an argument based entirely on false assumptions is

They had a pretty shitty relationship at work, but that was largely due to what I call the Buzz, buzz, buzz phenomenon. (Bee stings the cow, cow kicks the farmer, etc.,) Joan lashed out when/because she felt devalued, and Peggy was a safe target. They also had some great scenes, like after Don announced he was engaged

The question isn't whether or not he has a right to know, the question is why would that knowledge be beneficial to him in anyway. His wife is dying, why would she want him to suffer even more than he is already?
Take a poll, see how many people would prefer for their spouse to provide a deathbed confession of

You say that as if never knowing that his wife had been unfaithful is some sort of terrible punishment. The idea that Henry had anything to gain from that knowledge makes no fucking sense.
Telling him would have been cruel, whether one thinks he deserves to be treated cruelly or not.

Sal and Chauncey rule the dog show circuit.
He and Bob Benson are very happy together.

I completely agree, and I don't see why personal growth and a career in advertising must be mutually exclusive. It may not be noble, but it's not like he's clubbing baby seal, ffs.
If we're supposed to believe it's such a worthless, soulless endeavor, then that was a very sad ending for almost everyone.

The connection is only visual if you ignore that not only did Don's epiphany spring from a dream/story about feeling like an item on a shelf in a refrigerator, but it was all about feeling isolated and alone.
The Coke ad says that everyone is welcome, everyone deserves love and happiness- it was a perfect counter to

That scene, that speech was just extraordinary. To see Don realize for the first time that his problem could be put into words, and that other people felt that way, too (!!!) Beautiful.
And that first line about the dream,
The door is closed, and it's dark, but I know they're all out there eating
is one of the best

Substitute "misty-eyed" with "eyes swollen shut from crying so much" and, me too!

Since I just burst into tears when reading that line, evidently it really struck me, too. Pete's redemptive arc really surprised me, I never thought I'd end up rooting for him.

Betty had little to no capacity to view things from such a non-Betty perspective. The idea of not telling the boys, not telling Don, forbidding Don to see them… all those decisions were based on what's easiest/best for her. She can't see that what's best for her children might be different from what she needs, because

I am probably the only one who views it this way, but imo Don bailing on his daughter's birthday was a failure to be a good husband, not a good father.
I've worked with children for over 20 years, and believe me, that wasn't the birthday her dad didn't bring the cake, that was the birthday her dad bought her a puppy.

I didn't mean to imply they were still treating her like a secretary, only that it's not as if she had been considered some sort of important/valuable asset to the company. And although she got the account back, the fact that she'd lost it in the first place suggests that she hasn't made much of an impression there

Only if Don came back to McCann Erickson. No way Peggy would have been involved in the Coke campaign unless Don asked her for help.
She was a nobody there- at first they mistook her for a secretary.