Rabbit Troop forever

Peggy was a peon/newbie at a hideously sexist company. No way she was allowed anywhere near the Coke account.
It's a lovely thought, but there is no way they'd have let her work on what might have been their biggest account.

Her family?
You mean the abusive father and the mother who killed him in self defense? It would appear that white privilege didn't really make her life that awesome.

The remedial atheist thought that comment was so insightful that he's posted it on 5 different sites.
Also, apparently there is no such thing as a powerful, independent woman. Noooooooo!
*Rabbit Troop slowly dissolves into the ether*

I saw a few MRAs insist that he was joking.
*It's funny because it's a slight exaggeration of what he really believes!*

Here in America, where this article was written, men have no obligation to do those things. Get it, mate?
Also, first you said men volunteer, then you said they had an obligation- which is it?

Taken from that very Wikipedia page:

Actually, that's exactly why I would have expected him to mention it (not to Stannis, obviously, but to Jon or Gilly). It's the perfect summary of their differences, and why Sam's dad would view him as such a disappointment.

I encountered a guy posting (at Mother Jones, I think) that he wasn't pro-choice because men don't get to opt out of parenthood.
You know, because banning abortion would surely decrease the number of women seeking child support…
*head explodes*


Lol, fair point, but I meant Tywin. If Tyrion hadn't killed him, Tommen would be learning from Tywin.

"Are you ashamed of me?"

That's no reason to deliberately fuck with the Newbies.
There is no excuse beyond selfishness (my thoughts must be known to ALL!!) and blatant idiocy.

If I bust out laughing during his next scene, I'm coming for you blue rose!

Eva Green!

Tommen had to go there because his bitch mom played him like a fiddle. Margaery's only powerful ally fled to High Garden (but hopefully will be back soon!) and her dad's head is about to be liberated from his neck.
And yes, he had every right to take out those sparrows, but Cersei knew he'd never issue the order. Poor

True! I didn't even think of that.
But all Jorah really wants is his Khaleesi back.

This is the first episode where I never laughed once.
I'm so confused! I have no idea why so many people found it funny. I hate Russ and I didn't need to see Erlich and Richard repeat the same argument they had (repeatedly) last year. And Erlich's complete humiliation is much funnier when he's done something to

It's Erlich.
Erlich Bachman.

I actually thought Erlich was annoying, which bummed me out 'cause he's usually my favorite. I love this show, but this episode didn't thrill me.
Thrilled to see Alice Wetterlund, though! (And meet C***y, of course. Priceless.)

Not only that, but seeing her lie to Tommen as if he were any other lowly impediment in her way really creeped me out.
I also thought that the woman who fretted over every hair on Joffrey's precious head seemed pretty cavalier about Tommen's safety. *Sorry I can't help you, now run along and try to get an audience with