Rabbit Troop forever

Tywin said that, not Tyrion.
Tyrion said her cheekbones were her one redeeming quality.
(And her love for her children)

Yep, and I doubt the Sparrows are cool with incest.

Downvoted for ickiness.

Don't make us guess!

And he even hugged her back!
Has the world gone mad?!?!

*ignores unappreciative firstie*

Exhibit A:
"What the fuck is wrong with you that you need to abuse people?"

You know, you have no legal/contractual obligation to your avatar. You can call yourself AngryDad and still be civil to people (I mean, one would hope…)

Oh, my mistake. So, you were suggesting that because you don't know why women who've been raped by Cosby within the last 20 years would keep quiet, then Cosby must have stopped raping women 20 years ago.
I'm sorry to have misunderstood your point so badly, and I'm doubly sorry for abusing you/maligning your character.

So, because you can't think of any reasons why rape victims from within the last twenty years would choose to keep quiet…
Cosby never raped anyone?

It was an affair because he was unfaithful to the woman he was in a relationship with at the time (by sleeping with her daughter).
And the fact that I don't know of any other filmmaker who had sex with his girlfriend's teenage daughter means that only his movies are extra creepy for that specific reason.

No argument here on the GREAT, but Midnight in Paris was… cute, and I really liked Match Point (except for all the pouting/foot stomping by Scarlet J.)

I'm not aware of any other who actually had an affair with his girlfriend's teenage daughter, though.
That adds an element of sleaze all his own.

That's not what I was suggesting, but here's what I'm confused about- let's imagine that Margaery has treated Cersei with the utmost respect- what reason do have to think that Cersei would hate her any less and/or be less likely to plot against her?

Dammit, I know I shouldn't take the bait, but I just can't help it.
First of all, the only people on the show who are (or in one case, were) happy are in fact surrounded by bushels of money (except for Stan, he's not rich but he might be happy).
And the idea that material wealth can't buy happiness has never been a

Seriously, I needed that today.

Lol, yeah, that sounds right.
Last week a character yelled, "This is not my plan!" and people insisted that it was abuse.
Literally, a man raising his voice in the presence of a woman= abusive behavior
But the hallmark of MM douchiness is the *Ofcourse you didn't like this episode, as you Clearly didn't understand it

Meh. Prior to getting captured Theon was an insufferable prick with a sense of entitlement that rivaled Joffrey's. Also, a rapist (thwarted, but still). He's welcome to die on his way back to his home planet.
But it's not that I object to AA getting more to do, I'm just puzzled by all the goodwill toward the character.

Love it.

Oh, no argument there, but wasn't that literally the day after their wedding? Given the way her first weddings went, I think she's entitled to at least a couple days of gloating.