Rabbit Troop forever

Again, I disagree. The fact that it irritated Cersei was just a bonus. Cersei wasn't even around for her first act of charity.
And Cersei has never done anything kind or helpful for anyone for any reason (besides protecting her children). One of her very first acts was having Sansa's direwolf killed and she hasn't

Why do you say "pretended to be interested"?
We haven't seen any evidence that Margaery was being insincere. And why do you think her influence would be used for evil? She's never been unkind to anyone but Cersei. She seemed to genuinely love Sansa, how many GoT characters have shown that degree of warmth to- anyone?

I hated Big Fish, but I love this comment.
I don't know how to feel right now.

Upvoted for crafting an irrefutable argument out of three letters.

The term "gifted" used as a verb.

First of all, she blatantly lied about having a kid- on their very first date. And by date, I mean they were in bed after having sex for the first time. He literally said she had another mouth to feed and she said no. Joan may not have felt it was the right time but that's no excuse for lying about something so huge.

No, that's a crock of shit. Raising one's voice in anger does not constitute abuse, and equating the two renders the term "abusive" completely meaningless.
Adult women are not delicate flowers who must not be subjected to an outside voice. And adults who've been deliberately lied to about something significant are

Megan knew that Harry once said some rude/sleazy things about her to Stan. Meh.
He obviously didn't intend for her to hear, and as far as I can recall, he's never been intentionally rude to her. So, while Megan has a reason to hate Harry, I'd argue she had no reason to think he'd be as overtly sleazy and presumptuous

Were there ever two people with LESS chemistry than Khaleesi and Daario I Can't Even Portray
Lust for Emilia Clarke Convincingly Naharis?
Jesus Christ, my last H&R Block appointment was more fraught with sexual tension! New Daario is so flat and terrible that the quality of Clarke's acting actually decreases whenever

Isn't Mereen the city that used slave girls nailed to crosses as mile markers?
Not sure why the ruling class ought to be upheld or appeased. The dragon thing pissed me off too, though.

Yeah, that's my take on him, too. I think he was turned on by whatever he saw in the flames, but that his ultimate motivation is that sense of duty.

Can we talk about that millisecond of joy at seeing Winterfell reborn
Then either seeing the banner and/or realizing why, and who lived there?
But I suppose the man ass made up for it.

Why are there so many assholes talking about how things are/were different in the books?
Is it really that fucking hard to grasp the WHOLE POINT of having Newbies and Experts reviews?

I thought that turning down the severance was another way to say fuck you.
*Meh. My wife is loaded and my new salary/benefits package dwarfs your paltry severance- You need it more than I do, gents.*

Can we split the difference and say that while the situation between them is very, very sad, that pull out reveal was still hilarious?
That was my take, anyway.

Hi unkeats!!!
Don't think I've seen you 'round these parts before.
Showing off with your fancy semicolon.

Sorry about that, the name Mimi-Rose is so fucking cloying that just typing it makes me gag. As far as I am concerned, she may as well have been named Syrupy Pink-Cupcake.

Gaby fucking Hoffman, man.
She's a gem.

Reading your second paragraph, I feel like I've been watching a completely different show. Adam is aloof?! Seriously? Adam is about as sensitive and emotional as it gets.
And Adam never hindered Hannah's life in any way (really, name one thing he did to hold her back, ever), but she did everything she could to fuck up

There are definitely some terrible therapists out there, but I'd argue that a person doesn't have to have his or her shit together to be a good/effective one. Hell, my smartest friend's life is always in shambles due to her own atrocious decisions, but she is incredibly insightful regarding other people's problems and