Rabbit Troop forever

Jessa is not a sociopath, not even close. And high functioning???
Remember the first episode of the season? She and BD loved each other, and she was crushed that their relationship was over. Of course, a well adjusted person would have talked to a friend about that. But since her only other real friend was also

I love Insidious.
The opening credit sequence is perfection, the cast is great, even the kids, the family was totally believable, and the astral projection angle was a new one for me. And little to no cgi! (I'm looking at you, Mama)
It wasn't perfect, and was more creepy/unsettling than scary, but as a fan of horror

When I was sick with the flu, and anything beyond the pretty colors on the tv was much too challenging to process, I thought one of the Kardashian spin-offs would be soothing mindless entertainment.
Unfortunately, one guy's parents had just died, and his girlfriend (the Kardashian sister) had to go to his parents'

And the burping!

Did you see the preceding scene, when he was shown the incriminating letter? Homie looked as if an alien were about to burst out of his chest.
He tried to project a lack of concern, but failed miserably.

But regardless of what his lawyers can argue, there is no plausible reason for an innocent man with unlimited funds and excellent lawyers to visibly unravel when presented with the two letters.
There's also no reason for an innocent man to worry that there's more incriminating evidence at his home, as Durst did on the

What his lawyers can argue isn't necessarily the point.
The first thing he said (to himself) was, "You're caught." He also said something to the effect of *I don't know what they'll find in the house.*
And if you saw the show, he appeared on the verge of a complete breakdown when presented with the incriminating

Your sarcasm detector needs new batteries.

The people who described the early stages of their relationship said they were deeply in love. (Ugh, so fucking sad)
And it's not as if a person's reasons for being attracted to another person are always readily apparent to outsiders.

Or without weapons…..

It's not that the taped evidence is legally damning…..
But if I may speak for everyone who watched the series (and I don't see why I shouldn't) that moment was absolutely fucking jaw dropping.
Regardless of how it will eventually be spun by his lawyers, it was a fucking insane, totally unprecedented moment in

Hmmm, interesting.
Thanks for the response!

When you say that Adam had much more of a connection with MRH than with Hannah, what are you basing that on?
The reason I ask is because the only connection/bond I can recall is that they both like to run. Otherwise, MRH seemed to view him as some sort of performance art piece/sociology experiment- and Adam???

For me it was the idea that she was willing (eager?) to concoct a scheme to jettison Adam and get him back together with Hannah.
People are not chess pieces, MRH, you pretty little psychopath.

Matt Bomer, you say?
No, I won't do it. I Can't do it.
It's time to start learning from my mistakes!!!

I also forgot Adam, who wisely avoided seeing Hannah.
As for Shosh, I expected nothing less from her, so it wasn't as notable to me. Of course she nailed it, she's Shoshana fucking ShapIro!

I watched it twice, and that ending still knocked the wind out of me.

Well, tonight we got to see MRH's response to her first human emotion. Unfortunately, it was jealousy, and she handled it with all the grace, tact, and diplomacy …… of a character on Girls.
I mean, choosing neither was definitely the smart choice, but her behavior prior to that decision was atrocious. And while Hannah

Good decisions on Girls: Voting for Ray
Jessa bailing on the Ace MRH drama
Fran avoiding hurricane Hannah
Elijah and Tad, BFF
Faking everything
All the music, every episode

And now I am filled with shame.
Next time I will have all sorts of data to back up my opinions of movies.