Rabbit Troop forever

Two things: They absolutely have referred back to Hannah's OCD, most recently in the first episode of the season, when Jessa caught her repeating a mantra in the bathroom at Jazz Brunch. And it's a show about adolescents and their attempts to reach adulthood/ (or avoid it, in Hannah's case) and find some sort of

I went to high school in the Midwest, near where all the John Hughes' teen movies were filmed. The social cliques were pretty clearly delineated, but the cool kids didn't bully/target the less popular kids. A cool girl could help a guy ascend the social ladder, but I can't think of a situation where the reverse was

Wow, I stand corrected! Clearly you have a solid grasp of the various issues surrounding that scene (including the one described in the piece above). I can tell by your intelligent and rational response. Saying "You rapist-agenda folks are like Tea Party members" does not make you sound crazy at all.
Oh, and since you

Viewers: Holy shit, Jaime just raped Cersei in the shadow of their son's corpse! Gross and horrifying!
Director: He did?

I agree with every point you made (and haven't read the piece you were commenting on), but the problem I have with the scene is the, *it wasn't really rape, you viewers are just confused* bullshit that we're hearing.
Is that scene the most offensive act we've seen on the show? Of course not! It's the fact that the

I'm pretty sure that everyone who watched the show was horrified and disgusted by the scenes and scenarios you listed.
The difference is that no one tried to explain away those events as being consensual. Did anyone claim those girls wanted to breed with their father?
And who is it that you think is ok with the incest

Not I, but my mom overheard some little shit say that Darth Vader was Luke's father, and she was quaking with rage. She was the only one who heard him, and no one else in our family would have even cared.
Poor mom.