
Just in the epilogues of Red Dead Redemption 2, a game that did consume my life just as much as I thought it would, but was also totally worth the effort. Probably make the effort to finish it up completely by this weekend and switch to shorter, less time-intensive games for a little while.

Now playing

Great overview of House of Leaves, Control, Anatomy (spoilers for all)

Oddly, I also set it aside after half of White Orchard and then came back to it later to enjoy 100+ hours more with it.  Great game, and the DLC are practically entire games on their own.

As somebody who just hit the end of chapter six yesterday, it has certainly been an interesting time to ruminate on the game.

If you want a minor baking challenge, an eight-plait loaf is a combination of fun and worrisome. I had a friend help to spot the different strands and make sure it all wove together right, and it comes out looking pretty neat.

Heave-Ho, Cat Quest 2, Overcooked, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Knights and Bikes, Castle Crashers, Moon Hunters, Children of Morta (bit of a difficulty spike on that last one but a gorgeous game)

Nearly all our local caterers are also restaurants, it’s just that business catering provides a good chunk of their profits.

What delicious bean company?

I feel terrible for our local caterers. We’ve had to cancel all our meetings, large and small, and the lunch orders that go with them. We’ve received many e-mails from the caterers updating us on their policies regarding increased safety measures and switching from buffet-style meals to boxed lunches and they’re all

If it’s your first taste of Warren Ellis, I recommend pretty much everything else he’s ever done. 

Irish soda bread can become Irish soda brick.

I’ve made two clafoutis and bought one from a professional baker and bless anyone who loves them or knows the secret magic but I’ve never been anything but underwhelmed or mildly whelmed at the very best.

1-800-Giant Men

Oh that looks divine.

One of the sad things about most chains, really.  No sense of community, either internal or external.

5 months for an event that size is practically tomorrow. If I were on the planning committee I’d be panicking.

TBF the odds are they’d have to add some sort of PvP in the future just to stay competitive with other MMO’s.

Presumably, you could create a ship that’s alive but doesn’t process pain the way we think of as pain. Or that enters some kind of significant hibernation mode - like the way bedbugs can survive for up to 400 days without eating?

Agreed. By the time of the ending I didn’t think what Joel was doing was morally right or anything but selfish and against what Ellie wanted but I completely understood why he couldn’t have done anything else.

I don’t think anyone loves Anthem the way YoshiP loves FFXIV or this guy obviously loves NMS.