
Alternately, the new Star Wars game won’t make the obscene amount of money EA wants it to make - almost certainly more than any game is capable of making - and Respawn’s next game will be built in Frostbite, which will be excruciating for all involved, will underperform and in 4-5 years there will be yet another grim

On a slightly more on topic note: Titanfall 2 was awesome, I wish it got more attention than the 80 sequels to CoD/Battlefield.

I don’t have words to describe what I would give for an SSX Tricky port to the Switch. 

I had assumed it was for the first year. I can’t remember where I heard that. I’m also not sure if Epic exclusivity means across ALL platforms or just PC - Metro:Exodus came out for PlayStation/XBox at the same time as PC. So who knows, it could come out sooner, or maybe not at all for some reason?

.02% of people in the US. Probably less than that, given that I was using 2018 US population statistics, and some of those may have been international viewers.  Could be worse?

I love the Switch, and have enjoyed the PS4, but it’s going to be interesting to see the first launch year of the PS5 vs. the new XBox whatever it is, given all those small teams Microsoft acquired earlier this year.

Luigi follow only the Ferraris.

Still holding out for a Switch Outer Wilds port once the whole Epic timer winds down. Annapurna’s releasing Sayonara Wild Hearts for the Switch, and they’ve already ported Edith Finch, Gorogoa, etc, so here’s hoping.

Ozymandias’ ultimate moral position of means-justifying ends-is pretty much damned outright by Dr. Manhattan’s “Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.”

Warren Ellis is surprisingly kind, and bitterly acerbic without being nihilistic - and I really, really need Marvel to give Nextwave the animated movie treatement.

It’s interesting, I went back and took a look a while ago and I think there’s a pattern of pretty much every person in a scene with Ozymandias suggesting a different outcome to what he thinks must be done ends up being hurt or killed because of part of his plan. There’s a woman talking about her belief in peace who

Fire Emblem. Actually doing things in the real world on Saturday (with other human beings, what is this madness), but Fire Emblem at every available opportunity.

Is there a way to turn “text message!” into the ringtone?  It would be a great way of showing that even when you’re not there, you care.

What a way to live.

One thing I learned in writing classes was that nearly all of the summaries and elevator pitches sounded great. Everyone had a really good concept for a story. The execution is what matters - there’s a reason Grant Morrison is as well regarded as he is.

One of my greatest regrets is not making a copy of the one screenplay in my scriptwriting course about a lawyer with a tragically dead wife and the ‘space-time’ pen that could draw a door in... well, space and time.

Me too, but at least it’s not something new about Farscape that sucks?  How long will that last? Netflix is doing something with Dark Crystal now. No IP is safe anymore.

Much appreciated. 

I played BOTW and Splatoon with my drifty controllers. Yeah, it wasn’t great, and I’m not going to recommend anyone bet their life savings on their next Smash game with unreliable controllers, but I don’t think the current issues are at all worth not buying the console outright.