
At this point I’d just roll them in paper towels.

“Is she ever alone?” NEVER. They follow you everywhere.


Arnold now says, “I did not expect it to go public the way it did,” and that “no one from my side leaked it.”

Jaqueline needs to be in a mental institution. I remember giving Danielle so much shit when RHONJ first came out but it was Crazy Jax the whole time. I LOATHE her. Also, sick of the Wakiles and the Manzos in general so if we could keep that shit to a minimum that would be great.

He is disgusting.

Even “better” than reading it: Having it read to you while trying to focus on the road.

The weirdest thing about the post-baby body headline is that for years I didn’t understand that what was being declared was: “Look! No extra skin, no stretch marks, no sag, no lumps!” I figured it was just, “She lost the weight she gained.” Which meant that from the time I was a kid, I fundamentally misunderstood the

As I sit in the hospital waiting for my fucking contractions to start, I’m filled with loathing for Teigen. Probably unfair loathing, but that’s what I’ve got.

You should not feel bad. And nor should she.

And they had a baby???????

3 year postpartum and I’m still rocking my pregnancy body. The fascination with “fit moms” and how quick can a celebrity bounce back makes me angry and sad. My body grew a child I shouldn’t feel badly that it doesn’t and won’t ever, look the same.

Shocking that a genetically slim, tall human woman would continue to be genetically slim, tall human woman post birthing a baby human. SHOCKING.

She has a body?

Only 2 ‘flaunt’s????

She and John Legend are married? I did not know that.

I can’t articulate anything worthwhile in response

She is not someone I respect, but that made me feel really bad for her. Iggy is not The Worst. That guy? He’s worse.

I didn’t recognize half the names on this Dirt Bag.

her tombstone should be her fridge