
So much in this performance.

Hot taek: Tim Tams are fucking delicious.

I’m in my sixth month and I love it! I always love at least 70% of the stuff in the bag and the other 30% I am not super excited about but will definitely use. It’s such a fun surprise each month that I really look forward and I find that the products are well-tailored to me and introduce me to things I wouldn’t have

Yay beauty thread!! I just finished a paid (!) wedding makeup gig, which was so fun! I’m kinda considering getting a cosmetology license and a professional kit and making this my side hustle, but all that shit’s expensive so maybe not. :/ I ended up buying a fuck-ton of stuff at Sephora for this wedding anyway though,

Don’t let anyone ever tell you your home is safer with a gun in it.

Mixed feelings: I’m equal parts glad she’s dead and angry she won’t live to experience gut-wrenching remorse.

You don't have to share every single opinion you have.

I will never find it intellectually stimulating for a man to condemn women who are obsessed with beauty.

Like Lars Von Trier but even more tiresome.

“Earlier you said all men have a fantasy of being teenage girls. Do you still have that fantasy?”

It’s very unpleasant to be in the same room as a man who won’t stop talking about how beautiful a 16-year-old is.

Refn you had me at Drive and lost me forever with everything since. Get away from the sexual darkness and stick to love stories and Synth music; in that order.

“Narcissism is awful, and young people are the worst, but isn’t this 16-year-old girl super hot?”


Venting like this isn’t ok. Full stop. I am not a teacher, but if the Sony hack taught us anything it is that you can’t put anything in writing ever that you don’t want associated with your name. And I taught kids’ sports for many years and shockingly never once wanted to hit them and never called them fucking idiots

I’m baffled how many people are claiming that thinking it’s inappropriate for teachers to root for kids they dislike to fail and fantasize about beating them means you want them to be saints. That’s an amazingly low bar for sainthood.

i’m going to re-post my reply to everyone who think these teachers’ comments are ok:

I would respectfully suggest that understanding that nothing posted online is ever private is a more vital life skill than knowing how to correctly spell Ta-Nehisi Coates.

You know, if it were just teachers making sarcastic, exasperated remarks and blowing off steam, I would think nothing of it. But to refer to children as fucking idiots and hope they fail—while being part of the group that can actually make that happen—goes too far. I had a teacher who had it out for in 7th grade and