Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Don’t drive it in the rain or get it wet? Is this a truck or a museum piece? What an utter shit show.

Some Cybertruck owners say their fellow Cybertruckers are blowing things out of proportion, and one said it’s a good idea to not “...drive it in the rain, or get it wet.

Orange stain? Sounds like the new “presidential model.”

So, somehow this was missed in the search before they loaded him in the car?

Easily. Officer Dumbfuck clearly demonstrated why he’s Officer Dumbfuck.

1) Then Florida police needs to update their hiring standards and perform psych evals on every candidate to make sure that any undiagnosed PTSD cases don’t endanger the public they are supposed to protect.
2) As someone else said, the officers searched, cuffed, and placed the suspect in the vehicle. If he had reason

1004% this

The officer served (2) tours overseas. Seeing the lasting affects a tour in Afghanistan has had on a relative, I believe this officer has undiagnosed PTSD which impacted his reaction here.

It means this sounds like the cop is rationalizing for his own actions.

The officers had reason to believe Jackson owned/possessed a firearm with a suppressor.”

Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?

Sorry Jesse. That story didn’t sell on tape, and it ain’t going to get any extra credit here.

This is what happens when your “AI” isn’t really intelligent but just collates existing ideas.

Looks like someone discovered that the right-wing media bubble didn’t pay as well as she’d hoped.

For the 1 millionth time, free speech protects people from the government imposing penalties on you for saying stupid/offensive/controversial/etc shit.

Don’t shit where you eat, Gina.   You would have thought the warnings would have stopped you from continuing but nope, you had to be a dumbass.

Wow, it’s not often that you get two people of such quality garbage-ness coming together to create bullshit.

Elon Musk will do anything to be relevant.