Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Someday, our Tardigrade Overlords will remember how humans tortured their ancestors.

Microsoft started this shit, lest we forget.

If Musk wants more shares then he can fucking buy more shares. This isn’t complicated. I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to sell him more shares, though. Giving Musk more control of Tesla is just stupid.

I dunno about ya’ll, but extorting one’s shareholders just seems like fantastic leadership to me.  🙄

He’s asking for charity after sacrificing his own stake in Tesla on his failure at twitter. He’s asking for a bailout -- ha!

You don’t agree to pay the largest fine in the history of the Clean Air Act when you did nothing wrong. 

Because money and greed are valued more highly (and rewarded more highly) by our society than doing things properly.

It does say a lot about the corporate officers “saying” this. What it mostly says is that white bros like Musk are most comfortable hiring other white bros, and they know you can’t say that out loud, but you can get away with making noise about hiring on “merit”.

In the real world, hiring for diversity gets you just as much merit, plus a breadth of background and perspective you wouldn’t otherwise get.

No, but you should definitely brush up on your history of this country. You could probably start with LBJ, Goldwater at the 1964 CRA.

Who’s left, even before this latest racist incident?

Spotted the 800 SAT-scoring loser.

Apartheid Elmo, a racist?

If Musk says something is the truth, we know that it’s 100% bullshit.

I suppose we’ll get to see which companies pull their advertising from Xitter after having kept it on there after the Jewish tweet.

Everybody on earth knows that engaging in a high-speed police pursuit, of the cops-and-robbers variety you see in the movies, is a bad idea.”

Would we be saying the same things if he had hit a minivan, killing an innocent family?

Because police can just as easily “chase” you with radios, surveillance and detective work that doesn’t endanger the general public.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I feel for the poor box truck driver who has to deal with this. But thankfully a nice big truck and not a minivan full of nuns.

That last number is wild! 293 chases in one county in one year?!? How many ended in fatalities? Like if that’s one a day, that means that on 80% of days, they had a chase. While the law requires people to stop for police when ordered, the fact is some folks won’t. You don’t have a right to run, but I cannot believe