Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

It’s likely that the lawsuit gets moved due to lack of jurisdiction in Texas.

Can we stop using his picture in these posts? Please? It’s as bad as the Trump years where you couldn’t go anywhere online without seeing he puckered bloated face.  

CEOs are, by and large, the least useful, and most harmful, of all company employees. It is a wonder they continue to exist at all, and have not been replaced by AI avatars.

Fixed that for you

Yeah, it’s a pretty clear indication to employees that management has no fucking clue what they’re doing.

GOP support isn’t really pro-Jewish though, evangelicals need Israel to exist in this state so that the end of the world prophecy in book of Revelation can happen. That’s it. That’s the reason. 

Yaccarino also emphasized the financial pressure on X at this moment, asking employees to “by all means, put your heads together to bring new revenue into the company.”

This dude is so tiring. He’ll never admit he’s the reason people are fleeing his platform in droves, any reporting that shows demonstrable and provable things is just gonna be transparently attacked without merit. He’s gonna file frivolous lawsuits to try to destroy journalism outfits that accurately report on his

I would call the VP or senior manager in charge of ad purchases from IBM and ask:
“Up to what frequency would you be OK with IBM advertising being posted next to neo-nazi or anti-semetic content.”

kinda cracks me up when the strongest defense is “yeah, but you have to look for it”.

Narcissist cannot accept that he’s the problem. Shocker.

Theyre all just nuts.  Thats the answer.

The complaint even admits that it’s true. It says, “Followed specific accounts and then refreshed the timeline until they got a rare instance of ads on those accounts.” Yeah buddy that’s how it works. Thanks for admitting it, that’ll save MM a bunch of money on lawyers. 

Elon Musk: “I’m suing Media Matters because they falsely claimed that advertisers’ ads were displaying next to pro-Nazi tweets.”

“And I would have gotten away with, too, if it weren’t for those darn meddling reporters!”

It’s always somebody else’s fault, when your life is ruled by your paranoid fantasies. 

This sums the lawsuit up perfectly.
From Dave Karpf @davekarpf.bsky.social

Typical, blame how people react to his racism but not his racist speech.

It’s not my antisemitism, it’s the damn people REPORTING on it!”