Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Wait! Wait! Wait!... your pissed because he’s using all his allotted sick days (part of his compensation package)? Really? LOL! Glad I don’t work for you.

Tried watching the video however the commercial ads every 30 seconds made me give up a quarter of the way through.

Sure, if you can get away with it, then go for it. But I checked again, and it is absolutely illegal in ALL states via federal mandate. It is illegal to alter the tint of the main surface area of the windshield outside of how it comes from the factory. Just saying. But apparently most states don’t bother enforcing it. 

I mean, in most states (if not all) tinting the actual windshield IS illegal. Whether it’s enforced to any degree is another matter.

Can someone please point out to this jackass who shot up his “woke” bike that pretty much everything he owns is manufactured by companies who most likely have DEI programs. That’s pretty much standard nowadays in the corporate world. That way we can see him shoot up his car, house, TVs, grills, and pretty much

Musk shouldn’t have a problem with Trump ending EV tax breaks as he is against subsidies, right...right?

Why is her face blurred in the video? If they are looking for this woman, why blur her face? Most times they post the persons image in order to solicit help from the community to try and identify them.

100% NP! If it were anywhere close to me, I would be there now taking a look at it in person and stroking my wallet.

A couple, but my argument would still shut em down. They pretty much avoid those types of conversations with me nowadays.

That’s pretty much what happened in the neighborhood (I was renting a house at the time) with an HOA that I used to live in. The HOA president and his cronies were always basically harassing everyone and being petty pricks about everything. They treated it like their own little fiefdom. Finally, a bunch of neighbors

There used be a huge one flaying along 1-95 just south of Richmond. It was back a little bit off the highway in what appeared to be a militia compound. However, I just went that way over the 4th of July and didn’t see it. so maybe, somehow, they were forced to take it down.

It’s always funny when some of my MD and VA family and friends try the “Heritage not Hate” defense of flying that flag. That is until I remind them that the “heritage” behind the flag is one of hate, slavery, torture, killing. In other words, that “heritage’ is hate. So, stop trying to defend it and make it something

LOL! I was going to post something similar. A couple enterprising Germans have a little side hustle going on. :D

I think they’re going after the demand in the “supply and demand” chain. If the demanders start dying off and the people who buy and consume these horns stop buying them, then the supply part of the chain collapses. I’m still skeptical this will stop or even deter to a significant amount, but we’ll see.

Yup, my last car was totaled because a guy thought I was making a left turn into a different street that where I did and jumped the gun on the stop sign he was at, he accelerated but at that close range couldn’t have accelerated to more the 20-25 MPH but T-boned me. He hit dead center on the main side pillar (?),

Technically the family hasn’t actually filed a lawsuit. The story and title should be corrected. At this point they have retained the lawyer and filed a claim though NASAs process. NASA now has 6 months to review the claim and accept, counter claim, or deny. At which point the family can actually accept or file a

Technically the family hasn’t actually filed a lawsuit. The story and title should be corrected. At this point they have retained the lawyer and filed a claim though NASAs process. NASA now has 6 months to review the claim and accept, counter claim, or deny. At which point the family can actually accept or file a

That’s exactly the case. They even said they are not in it for the money but just reasonable restitution. I think the amount is more than fair. Mostly, they want to set a legal precedent for future incidents.

Yeap, when they start getting defensive about it, that tells me that’s not the first time they’ve fucked something up.

DeSantis will just fight it, “Can’t let big gubment take over our great state!”.