Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Elon still won’t let you suck his dick.


“Voluntary recall” almost always means that NHTSA went to the vendor and said “There’s a problem, and you don’t seem to be fixing it. It sure would be a shame if the government had to issue a recall instead of you doing it yourself. Sure would be a shame.” The UI on the right is FAR superior.

Wait. So, do you work for Tesla, or have your years of pro-Tesla comments on Jalopnik just been for fun?

You give too much credits to Tom Cotton. lol

Tom Cotton 100% thinks that all Asian people are Chinese. He is completely incapable of asking any of the questions of Chew that someone might reasonably want to.

Dear God, I’m not defending Tom Cotton, a terrible racist and idiot, but this article is missing any context that led to these outlandish questions.

Clearly they aren’t. That’s a very silly thing to say. What shareholders are doing is demanding the maximization of profit, by whatever means necessary. In this case, that meant cutting staff while increasing output. Putting more responsibility in fewer hands inevitably leads to poor quality work.

Blaming production staff for the failures at Boeing is incredibly funny.

So in your eyes all union employees are bad employees?

That’s really a bad line to be towing in this day and age where time and time again we see companies raving about their record profits while laying off employees, reducing the quality of their products/services, and increasing the cost of said products and services.

Have you always been stupid or did you practice real hard?

Union labor has built all Boeing planes since before WWII, and they didn’t seem to have safety issues.  The issues began after the McDonnel Douglas merger and the change in Boeing management’s focus.

Is someone paying you to publish feeble-minded nonsense here or is this some sort of humiliation kink?

WOW! You take stupidity to a whole new level.

Yeah I am sure unions can be blamed for all of Boeing’s problems! /s

Bullshit. This is a management issue. Nothing to do with the basic employee.

Shareholders calls for the cuts of union labor (and general labor overall) to minimize costs and increase shareholder profits.

The reason why this is happening has nothing to do with DEI or the like.

I just can’t wrap my head around why anyone would listen to these fucking clowns or even think about giving them the attention they crave. Oh, right, because half the country is racist/sexist pricks and they will listen to any racist prick that echoes their sentiments.