Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Whether Tesla’s sudden vaporization of the Disney+ app is the result of Musk’s petty squabble with a corporate rival or just his effort to force random children to “touch grass” is unknown

Her error in judgement fucking stupidity and a few bullets now messed up a bunch of lives. needlessly ended one life.

I’m not a death-penalty advocate, nor am I for violent retribution. So, a lifetime rotting in a prison cell is what we have.

This isn’t tragic all around”. It’s tragic only for the family she destroyed. And calling it an “error in judgment” is fucking disgusting. This wasn’t a split-second decision she got wrong. She willingly, by choice, pursued a man she was told not to pursue and killed him while he posed no threat to her whatsoever.

There are some people that society is better off, without. Toss her in jail. Let her rot.

It’s a valid defense.

The current Supreme Court doesn’t give a fuck about Musk or Tesla. If his cars automatically detected women trying to get reproductive care and forcibly drove them to police stations, they might care.


I’m going to start an EV company and declare that my cars get unlimited range.

It totally is a tough sell and an immensely stupid idea, but it scares the hell out of me that the current Supreme Court could buy it.

Elon Musk proving once again that he’s an idiot that doesn’t understand anything, much less the first amendment.

“False advertising is protected by the first amendment” seems like a tough sell. Imagine how much worse things will be if they win this case?

If free speech protects false advertising then why do we even have laws against false advertising?

You couldn’t be bothered to tell us where they found the fucking tomato?

So, other than on the ISS, WHERE WAS IT?

I read this article twice and you know what?  I still have no idea where the tomato was beyond “on the ISS.”

Sweden is democratic socialist in theory but definitely not communist. Stop spouting rubbish 

Not “if”, “when”. Which means that sooner or later, they are needed, and if you don’t have one when you need it, you’re at the mercy of the feudal lord.

Sweden is not a democratic communist state.

Taking good care? Who decides what is good care? Musk? In USA they have high injury rates, long hours, and below-industry pay in all Tesla US factories. Musk has been blocking all efforts of unionizing. I don’t think Muck takes good care of his workers.