Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Desert means “dry” not “hot.” That lack of moisture in the air leads to much hotter hots, and like an air conditioner, much colder colds.

FYI, Brawn is talking about degrees Celsius, which is about 35 ~ 45 in American degrees. Lol.

Has he tried not being a cunt?

Same with the Wrangle JLU.

rear-ended a pickup truck while lane-splitting like a fucking moron.

The shooting isn’t going to start in any serious way. Because as soon as the shooting starts, Chinese exports stop. The US also stops paying China on any and all debt and seizes and freezes all Chinese assets in the US. And then the Chinese economy collapses. China has the minor dilemma that they can’t actually feed

Holy cow no. That white car smacked its nose right into the truck. The truck was going at a consistent speed, and that SUV should’ve seen him coming a mile away through the side view mirror. Not only that, he braked into the lane he was changing to — braked in front of a freakin big rig. You don’t just brake-check a

If you really believe that, you really have no idea how wrong you are.

Woof. The differential speed of the white SUV and the truck wasn’t remarkable until the former realized he was about to rear-end someone. That was a combo brake-check lane change, which is very not good thing to do.

Hah. You are blacklisted from Turo... As if it’s not exactly the opposite situation where you’d never touch them again with a 30ft pole.

What? You’re trolling, right?

Other hint - pulling out of a lane of stopped traffic into one that is flowing is likewise tough. And your fault if you’re the one making the lane change.

I sincerely hope you told whomever was responsible for that invoice to eat a bag of dicks. 

This is an absolutely ridiculous and borderline communist infringement of our freedoms!! Golf Cart rights are one of the single most important issues facing our state, it attacks the heart of our culture. This is a slippery slope and they’ll be trying to make it illegal to drive golf carts drunk next.

Is there any 60s car that would go for less than this if you’re able to drive it home? It may not be the most in demand, but if someone just really wants a classic, having something you can turn on a drive home for $6500 seems like a NP for just about anything from the era.

This is a pretty great list. Do you have any more you can recommend? I’m looking to have a marathon this weekend to start my October off right.

What? No Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?

He’s also wrong about everything he whines about. He should write about how he has somehow kept his job all of these years.

David Brooks whines about everything.