Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Spray him down and strike a lighter should solve that 

That was my immediate thougt, so I tried to look it up.

A North Carolina man’s family filed a lawsuit against Google on Tuesday, claiming the company was grossly negligent in allowing its Maps application to direct the man to drive off a collapsed bridge where he plunged to his death.

It’s impressive you compacted so much bullshit into this statement.

I don’t know, but it somehow boils down to the fact that Elon Musk, a person whose voice I hear and face I see at least three dozen times a day across every media outlet completely against my will is being silenced, alongside all of his fellow white men, whose opinions I am almost exclusively exposed to. 

jew conspiracy space lazorz something something

That is such a lazy and played out white victim story you’re telling.

bLm woulD hAVe sEt SEvERaL cITiEs oN FIRe bY NoW!!!!!!

So go out and protest it then or something if you care so fucking deeply, Jesus.

Uh, this journalist made sure that the video was turned over to the police and they charged the suspect with murder. It’s hard to make a media circus about law enforcement when they are actually doing their jobs.

When she reported the story it was not known that Probst was hit intentionally. She reported the facts of the day. It wasn’t until the video came out 12 days later that it was known to be intentional. Would you rather speculation?

What’s your actual point? People on bikes are hit and/or killed by cars with regularity, only with some of those being high-profile instances. A reporter put out a story about this retired policeman getting hit & killed, but then that reporter is attacked for mainstream media’s lack of attention on the matter? What

Well that’s fair, I suppose. 

Pretty sure we just learned everything we needed to about you, lol

The “lie” is a McGuffin that extremists, like Musk, use as a placeholder for whatever the reader or listener have already determined as the conspiracy against the “truth.”

“The lie?” What lie? The fuck is he talking about?

Yet, where is the media outrage? Now you begin to understand the lie.

Poynter is a hell of a lot more than “a publication that covers media.” In many ways they are a, maybe the, conscience of the media, working to make journalism better, more ethical, and more accurate. Maybe it’s not mentioned here because it looks like a “process story” to us great unwashed, but it’s much more

I’m starting to think this Elon guy might not be that great.

Oh god that would have been hilarious.  Just get the ever loving shit stomped out of him by a woman, my god his ego would NEVER recover.