Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

100% certain he’d be the “C’mon bro - hit me first” type of instigator when confronted by anyone who could put up a reasonable challenge, and then slink back to his vehicle like a coward, but still hurling homophobic slurs and thinking himself the bigger man.

Yeah, I would have used my car as a weapon on him. Bring a pipe to a car fight? Good luck, degenerate.

Yup he terrorized women, specifically, had he tried that with someone who could fight back , it would have happened once and never again.

You know dude would drive off the moment he would see he was trying to start something with a bigger guy. 

Like a little snivelling baby.

So what do we all think of a man who likes to terrorize mainly women with physical violence? I’m curious how he might have reacted to someone his own size and gender.

The most surprising part of this is that he drove a Tesla and not a lifted Ram or a blacked-out Charger.

Is the reason why they can’t find it because it’s so good at stealth, at which point can the military even get mad? Like, “we can’t find it because it works”?

If I had $15k to literally burn, I’d buy this and burn it. What an abomination.

Even by your usual standards this is particularly incoherent.

“I hope you’re never in the fucking position I’m in.”

That position being, refusing to protect yourself and others from a deadly pandemic, at the expense of your career, and then acting like YOU’RE the victim?

Thankfully, I will never be in the fucking position you’re in.

Because modern conservatism is about “owning the libs” and grabbing power above anything else. That’s why you hear more about “wokeness” from Republican presidential candidates than about any substantive policies.

Great Awesome Capitalism™ screwed one of our own? Checkmate, Wokist-Liberalists 🤣

lmao you are such a fucking loser

Not only thinking about but actively trying to increase said discomfort.

In his head.

And where do you see that?

You can be anti Bill Willingham and anti “Big Mean Corporation™”.

Given Willingham’s terrible views that he slathered onto his comics, this has created a hilarious situation:

Thank God someone thought of the children and made all these fairy tale characters public domain. What a hero. Now we’re finally free to use Snow White and the Big Bad Wolf as characters in our own works.