Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

A July 4, 2021, traffic stop led to a nine-hour stand-off between police and a SC-related group called the Rise of the Moors, according to CBS.

If you are going to have a gun on your hip during a traffic stop, don’t then also be aggressive to the cops. He didn’t get killed just for having a gun. You also might have missed that the gun was on the floorboard, out of its holster, meaning he either unholstered his gun or had a loose gun available during the stop.

This. And the same episode addresses the fact that rental companies don’t seem to know the definition of the word “reservation.”

Choke on that boot you worm

My mother asked me a while ago, after I responded to some cop horror story or another with ACAB, why I am so bitter and angry at police generally. She’s a white boomer and I am white and grew up in the suburbs, where cops are supposed to be your friend (if you’re white). So she doesn’t get why I am wary and

Yup- plus it demonstrates the degree of recklessness. Dude was driving high way speeds in a pedestrian area. Lots of pedestrians won’t be able to get out of the way in a setting like that

First, anything over 35mph is most likely going to be a fatality (i think about 90%+). 50 vs 74 is irrelevant - that is 99.9 vs 99.99% mortality rate.

Regardless of speed she was in a crosswalk and the pig didn’t have his lights or siren flashing, she had the right of way. I’m also gonna call bullshit in the last paragraph, I worked in a high drug use area of Seattle, cops never showed up less than 10 minutes after rescue services. 

You are used to joking with these people, so you see nothing wrong with it. Wait till it is your daughter or wife they are laughing at, and see if you still feel the same.

“Limited Value”.  It’s both disturbing and not remotely surprising that this asshole is using the exact same rhetoric as Andrew Tate.  ACAB once again proves to be true.

a member of the biggest gang in the USA shoots their mouth off again.

Take it out of Police Pension funds. “Sorry, Officer Figpucker, but that guy you covered for a dozen times finally getting caught means no pension payout this year”, that’ll bring down that blue wall faster than you can say “Police Collusion”. ‘Cause that is the real problem, it isn’t just that individual “bad” cops

This is Jaahnavi. A complete human being.

The few decent cops I’ve known either had to change departments multiple times to find one that wasn’t corrupt as fuck or just straight up left the profession, basically the people they need to attract and retain not run off are the ones that seem to leave.

There is indeed a person of obviously “limited value” in this story, it wasn’t the student that was killed.

I had to deal with the “cop attitude” in an event that I volunteered with for many years. Their unearned superiority complex makes them think no one else is worth anything. Absolutely disgusting.

Ah yes. The value of a PoC, coming from a PoS. Fuck this clown.

It’s time we make cops write checks from their personal accounts.

Just a few bad apples, right?

ACAB, always. I dunno why people still act surprised.