Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Oh, right, it wasn’t his multiple boneheaded decisions and his XXXL mouth (and chequebook) that tanked Twitter, it was the JEWS! Well, of course, it all makes sense. They must have re-oriented those space lasers to San Francisco. Didn’t SpaceX launch those lasers? Just asking questions...

Came here to say the same thing. Look at the wheels on the RV- auguring thru the mud like that, against 650ft-lbs of torque from the TRX, you’re almost guaranteed a bent axle or frame element, and I’m sure the steps hanging off the side are wrecked too.   I’m shocked the entire wheel assembly under that thing didn’t

He truly is the Henry Ford of our time.

The discovery for the ADL should be interesting, getting access to Musks texts, DMs, phone records, etc, not to mention twitters. I mean he has openly supported and promoted anti- semites and white supremacists such as Tucker Carlson.

This is why going away to college reduces bigotry (as long as you don’t go to Liberty or something) and why the trans people are such an inviting target these days. When you meet people with different backgrounds and realize they are just people it is harder to demonize them. The trans population is very small so a

He won’t though. There is a wealth of evidence showing that Elon is the cause of the current woes at Twitter. And even if the ADL did tell people not to advertise, they are well within their First Amendment rights to do so.

Would love to see his ass stuck in the chair under oath. Perjury and/or contempt in under 10 minutes.

Blaming the Jews for his problems. Wonder where he got that idea?

Do it, Elon. I dare you. I double dog dare you.

They use scapegoats like Jewish and black people because it’s “easy”. The 1/3rd of the country that lives in midwestern flyover states probably don’t even know a Jewish person. Even if they’ve met one, they probably didn’t realize it.

They’ve probably met a black person, but maybe don’t even have a black family in

yes Mr musk, you are correct! history has shown us that sueing civil rights defenders always puts you on the RIGHT side of history. No one will ever look back and talk about the choices you made in a negative light!

We're seeing the Xitter death rattle. I am overjoyed at the prospect that Musk is going to lose over half his wealth in this endeavor.

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with people and passing. I was driving to southern Utah last year and long lonely desert highway, caught up to a car doing 60 in a 70 zone, as soon as we got to a passing zone he speeds up to 80, then after that back to 60. So finally I get past him and then he tailgates me for miles. Dude

What you do is call 911, inform them you are being aggressively pursued, provide details of the pursuing vehicle and ask for them to direct you to the nearest police station.

“... a judicial ruling that states that police can’t be held liable for breaches of constitutional rights unless that right is clearly established in another, identical case.”

To spin it, was the impression I got.

“For years, the people of Wisconsin pushed the peat moss away...but this summer, the peat moss pushes back.”

That top image looks like some RTS game.

An island full of living vegetation that floats around aimlessly is some straight up science fiction shit. Wisconsin is such an insane place, rules.

This is so bizarre I thought it had to be fake at first. Who knew? Floating islands...