Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

 Game of Gladiator, Part One: Star Dune

Took a patented Sarah Sanders play right out of the playbook with that bullshit. Remember her sighs and eye rolls as she explained away yet another Trump twittershits in the middle of the night like she was a knowitall condescending teacher talking to a student?

CNN let some conservative wanker run an opinion piece decrying how fellow conservatives refusing to support Ramaswamy because he is a Hindu are betraying their own values. I guess that would be true if the GOP hadn’t pivoted to courting voters by promising a white Christian ethnostate? They haven’t been subtle about

So, one police officer overlooks the incident because it’s just a child. No harm done.

Blah Blah Blah the kid is black and Im a cop, Blah Blah Blah

I mean, even beyond this, didn’t kavanaugh have a bunch of debts that got magically paid off? And didn’t the FBI fail to perform a proper background check on him? Like, there’s material things that I think warrants investigation. As much as I love watching him suffer, because he is a complete POS, there’s good reason

There definitely should be a time-out period after a certain number of warnings in a limited time span where the software says “You’ve been warned enough times in a row, you’re clearly not able to use this feature responsibly” and disables it. 

The entire Judicial Branch is propped up by norms and procedures. Time to clean house. I don’t need 6 fart sniffing freaks to tell me that as a woman I’m worth less than a man. We have Congress for that.

Blaming one doesn’t exclude the blaming other?

Yup, this is it.  Humility because a man doing any type of childcare is emasculating, apparently.  I love how she’s getting teary, like she can’t believe he made SUCH a huge sacrifice.  I bet the kids hate him when they grow up.

I’m beginning to think Clarence Thomas might be as unhinged as his wife. Like, totally nutty.

Exactly. Equality at home and both parents actually parenting equally is for woke communists. 

These are conservatives we’re talking about. They love trad gender roles, and those don’t include fathers actually raising their kids.

What’s interesting about ProPublica’s latest reporting is that it doesn’t seem like many of these benefactors had business directly in front of SCOTUS, though that doesn’t mean that they weren’t frequently going “hey, please rule this way” over liquid lunches.

This is as clear an exampe of the Kinsley gaffe as you’ll ever see. By acting like DeSantis was over-exerting himself by picking up the kids while his wife was dealing with cancer it reveals the Mad Men Era lifestyle they’re leading where the wife’s life-threatening illness is more worrisome not because she may

“Daddy loves you, kids, but car rides aren’t free. I’m gonna need you to start making campaign contributions.

So he’ll only pick up his kids from school if his wife literally has cancer?

They probably think this will play well with the Republican crowd, where the only thing a husband is supposed to do with their kids is shout at them for hanging out with those people or arranging cash for a brief trip to Mexico for some slut who his son trapped in a room at a party.  

And the best part is, he recognized them almost immediately.

I was prepared to roll my eyes at this story, but yeah, this is monumentally pathetic. The “my kids” jumped out at me, too. I feel like we should all agree picking up the kids, regardless of a spouse’s/co-parent’s health, is truly bare minimum parental responsibility stuff. I’d imagine that was the extent of Ron’s