Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Stop drinking that damned moonshine or you’ll blind as well as stupid son.

I don’t need to pile on to the (correct) consensus that you are a butthurt, intelligence-impaired snowflake crying about how your rights are being impinged (which they are not) by the evil environmental crusaders, or that your suggestions that emissions go “into the engine” and are “good for the environment” as well

For starters, I drive a Euro6 compliant diesel, so I’m one of those piss urea-injecting auto igniters. Nothing wrong with bunker... Sorry, diesel. But I’m not messing with the particulate filter or the EGR system.

You lost me at “Chris and Patty...”
Nothing that follows the name of a joint account is worth reading.

No wonder chris and patty both share an account. Not enough brain cells to write an intelligent comment by yourselves.

Dear Karl and Karen Barnes,

You’re obviously a complete fucking moron, and probably an asshole - maybe even an employee of Sinister Mfg, too. 

I just commented below about these kind of diesel bros people

Yeach, sure, you are being a douche for racing purposes. Ive got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to anyone who believes thst.  If so, turn in your plates and use your truck off of public roads only.

“Not all “deleted” not “defeated” do it to roll coal. They do it for racing and to stop from putting soot and contaminates into their engine. The emissions is good for the environment but not the engine. Also, when deleted, fuel mileage goes up. So better mileage? More efficiency? How is that bad. With a proper delete

This words is written heres.

“How is that bad.”

Fascinating. Remarkable. Where did you get your PhD in environmental science and mechanical engineering? I would love to understand how all of the wrong things you’ve just said are correct actually.

You’d get even better mileage if you didn’t drive a GD truck all over the damn place every day for no reason. 

So rather than put the “soot and contaminates into their engine” they put it in the air we breath. Yeah that’s great. 

Flying? Love it. Airlines? Hate them... except their pilots. Those folks are worth their weight in gold when nonsense like this comes up.

Naturally this story raises my anxiety a bit for travel when I realize that the ATC at some places I go can’t hold a candle to the folks we have here, which would raise the odds of

Two of the most common misdirects/lies from the government to justify their personal gain or their public apathy: “For national security” and “for woke agendas”.

Moving the Command to Alabama was a personal political thank you from Trump to the Alabama congressional delegation in attempting to overthrow the failed 2020 election coup/insurrection. Nothing more. There was no government need to move. No tax dollars to be saved. No increased military readiness.

That we even let Alabama have anything more advanced than a toaster is a testament to either the kindness of wealthier, bluer states, or the cravenness of Republican leaders to siphon funds and resources to the most backwoods of places for their own dark desires (mostly cosplaying for a Civil War Redux).

If it’s an open source charger connector, fine. If it’s their proprietary thing, get bent.