Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy
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Bill Paxton gets killed by them all.

Terminator, Aliens, and Predator.

Look, it could be worse. A LOT worse. - Signed everyone that was a kid in the 80s.

So, Is Russia or Putin Fascist. I would say no because Fascism also means Biblical levels of Evil. But.. they are that path.”

The Donbas conflict was Nazi vs Nazi with the citizens in the area suffering the costs.  

If you think for a second that Ramzan Kadyrov is not a Russian speaking Nazi, I’ve got a bridge and some prime land in Florida to sell you. Also, the Russians are the cause of a lot of children to suffer and die

Nationalist conservatives, so the Republican Party basically.

Or perhaps she’s REALLY motivated to not see her country occupied by a force that are committing war crimes against it’s population and have openly stated they don’t believe it has a right to exist as a nation.

The Holodomor was Stalin weaponizing famine to kill millions of Ukrainians — which is why they initially welcomed the Nazis when they invaded and drove out the Soviets.

Still, none of this excuses what Russia is doing. But that's not something you're interested in focusing on

What is more likely - Ukraine commits unbidden war crimes against its own people for speaking Russian and because they are secretly run by Nazis or Russia has been actively fomenting insurgency and chaos there and in Crimea (killing civilians and carrying out bombings) to cut off Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea and

Just impossible to talk about Ukraine on a public internet forum without one of Putin’s bootlickers entering the chat. 

I generally consider myself pretty well informed in this area. I’ve read a decent amount of history about USSR and post-collapse countries. My father married a Lithuanian woman in the 90s and her stories made me very interested in the history of that country and others who had sought for generations to escape the grip

RT having its licenses suspended hasn’t been kind to your country, has it? A mighty propaganda machine slumming it in Kinja, how sad.

There are plenty of signs: look at the state of independent and free press in the country (not good in either); look at the ability of citizens to form peaceful opposition parties or trade unions (not good either); look at the health/vibrancy of civil society such as NGOs, religious organizations, grass roots

I agree with much of what you observe, but disagree with the conclusion. There’s a high correlation between a lack of press freedom, freedom of speech and the intolerance of opposition within the political system, that really put Putin and Xi squarely into “fascist” territory.

Who cares what Yanukovych did. He’s exiled in Russia now and living a 50 million dollar house. And for a very clear reason - he wanted to align Ukraine with Russia and reject Western influence in Ukraine and refused to sign a free trade agreement with the EU. The entire war in Donbas is a result of his insistence on

Is Putin a Fascist? Hmmm

For someone who claims to “despise Russia” you sure are repeating all of their talking points, justifications for invasion and general revisionist history.

Well the mask is coming off.

The far-right nationalist parties most affiliated with Nazis have systematically been losing support in the legislature and presidential elections, to the point that it’s been having difficulty getting anyone elected. This continued turn away from violent extremism is not uncommon in fragmented political systems,