Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

The other day he said something like it was time for a necessary self-detoxification of society. That’s some straight Mein Kampf level nationalism/otherism. Stuff like that is how 11 million people were murdered in the holocaust. 

Suddenly Trumpers all become Antifa!

“There are lots of Nazis but Russia is worse.”

What’s your basis for declaring the People’s Front “fascist?” I’m just curious. Most of what I’ve read about them accurately describes them as conservative nationalists that believe in Ukraine’s statehood and want to join the EU. I haven’t seen much that would put them on the level of Svoboda and its ultra-nationalist

Meanwhile, Russia still invades and commits war crimes...

I am pretty sure most Ukrainians are more concerned about the gun against their heads rather than the polyp in their colons. Unless a plurality of the population is actively fascist and threatening Russia directly, lets just call this what it is.

Like all things real, this is too complicated to condense into memes. I have long urged full disclosure in American reporting about the far-right and Nazi groups in Ukraine. But Russia has Nazi groups too. Aleksandr Barkashov is the head of an ultra-nationalist group (Russian National Unity) who wants to expel all

Genuine question: would you characterize the Putin regime in Russia (or the Xi regime in the PRC) as “fascist”?

I think the far-right parties won like 2% of the Ukrainian vote?

“Brainwashed westerners”

No, she has no other options, her country is getting fucking invaded.

Well, Wikipedia describes her party as “economically liberal, conservative and pro-European”. BTW her husband died 8 years ago fighting russian troops when they invaded the last time. So he might have seen a need to join a admittedly dubious group.

a co-worker asked me if it was true that there were ukrainian nazis and I had to say there absolutely were, just like there are american nazis. It’s never black and white good vs. evil. That said I can’t imagine Sens. Hawley, Graham or Cruz laying in the mud shooting antitank missiles at any invading army.

War reparations.

Strip it, sink it.

Room for at least a few dozen Ukrainian refugees on board, surely?

Artificial reef is a good option

Jeff Bezos chokes every small business he can out of business so that he can increase his coffers. All that cheap music? At the expense of the musicians trying to make a living.

All of that speedy delivery? At the expense of warehouse workers and drivers who struggle to make a living and work in cruel conditions.


Must be hard not to choke on his balls

The problem is he needs to pay those delivery drivers more and stop holding them to unobtainable schedules

I wonder if she’s even outpacing her wealth building. That pile of money she has was what, 35Bil? Let’s presume a minimum of 5% growth a year, and she’s still making an additional 2 billion dollars a year.