Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Super disappointed that wasn’t a red ‘95 Dodge Ram.

Are you also against whistle-blowers getting a portion of the fines? It seems like this law is one that is nearly unenforceable in a conventional manner. By the time police would typically respond the truck would be gone; much like police have difficulty with vandalism - the perps run. Unlike the Texas abortion law

Every piggie that lied about what happened here needs to be fired and prosecuted for lying on a police report, official malfeasance etc. No pay, no pension, no benefits for criminal cops.

Breaking the man’s jaw was clearly out of line and that officer should in no way, shape, or form be an officer, but if the cops tell you to put down your gun, bruh, put the damn gun down.

An 81-year-old man who made $64,000 last year

We tend to inaccurately think of hospitals as medical service providers, when in reality they’re much closer to landlords. If you have some minor organ failure, for instance, you’re just renting a room in a specialty apartment complex. You have to pay for that room.

There are some not very good “American” accents by British actors (they tend to go very nasally midwestern) so I’m all for Isaac’s not very good English accent.

This is great and I hope it helps people gain access to cheaper credit. However, the fact that the cost of medical care in the US is expensive, punitive, and cruel remains largely unaddressed.

I think it’s fine when you remember that Steven Grant is a fake guy made up in an American guy’s head.

What are the odds everyone’s credit score drops when they drop peoples oldest accounts?

Can you purchase movies or TV shows using your Apple device (or iTunes) now and then watch them on the Apple TV app on Android TV (since they would be automatically added to your library), or is that ability limited to movies and shows you purchased before the Apple TV app downgrade? In short, does this actually limit

Well I don’t think it matters WHO was driving the vehicle at the time, at least in this case. Whoever rented the Tesla is legally responsible for whatever happens to the vehicle while it’s in his care. Why some jackass would rent a Tesla and proceed to launch it into the air is like Florida level of crazy. Not just

Damn, I run a CCWGTV and use the Apple TV app for randomly renting movies. Ah well, I guess I can cancel Apple TV+ and uninstall the app.

This is why I think there should be government funded training mandated with any firearm permit. The officers responding gave a lawful order to put down the weapon. Their job here is to secure the scene, including making sure a civilian doesn’t shoot the suspect or have a negligent discharge. Follow LAWFUL orders,

“without any warning.”

Seemed like they were just good old boys and never meaning no harm.

That was unsettling. I don’t even want to let my mind wander as the cause of that crash. Prayer for the families who lost loved ones.

Yeah, there are parts of D.C. I wouldn’t go through with a squad of Rangers.