Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

I must be surrounded by antifa everyday on my commute with all the aggressive driving, profanity, and obscene gestures I witness. Some must be like CIA deep state or something as they have Trump stickers or flags, Gadsden flag plates or stickers, or confederate battle and American flags flying, bastards!

And <1% of the 5% who know Antifa means “anti-fascist” know what “fascist” means.

I love how Antifa has become this shadowy cabal of agents that is highly organized and subversive but it can be literally anyone. Also I love how Anti-Fascists is somehow the bad guys for the freedom crowd? Oh those darn people who hate fascism ruining my freedom parade...

Officially since 1943, but the cool kids were doing it back in 1936.

Now playing

Did I go through a black hole and go back in time to 1978?  High inflation, Russia invading another country, and now this crap?

Yeah.... as in both of my Grandfathers fought in WW2... against fascism... Guess they were old-school antifa back in the day..

Everything they don’t like is antifa. I’d put the percentage of them who even know that means “anti-fascist” at about 5% if I’m being generous.

Sounds like they think everyone flipping the bird at them is antifa.

A victim complex is a hell of a drug.

Outside of Portland and SF, does antifa even exist?
On the other hand, most people are against facism. Which means...
We’re everywhere.

Imagine how sad a person has to be to spend days driving to a place thinking they will be welcomed as heroes only to then spend days in denial that THEY are indeed the assholes the whole time.

Never underestimate the staying power of shitheads.”

I think we can reasonably distinguish between this incident and Smolett’s allegations, which included a number of details that made them seem suspect from the outset.

One way to get involved is to draw the perpetrator’s attention away from the victim. It can be as simple as talking to the perpetrator, or stepping in between the two.

Smollet really gave these chuds fuel for their shitty bigoted fire.

It’s very hard to think on one’s feet in these situations because they happen quickly, but I think the more we think about the possibility of things like this happening around us, the better prepared we’ll be to protect people. I worry about everyone, but especially about my parents (Asians, both in their eighties), an

Better than the “Why didn’t she just use her kung fu?” brigade.

Yeah, the occurrence of the hate crime itself wouldn’t ruffle that brigade’s feathers, but publicizing it is what sets them off.  How can they continue to enjoy the suffering of others if we continually call it out and act to block it?

Oh goody, time for another rollout of the “this hate crime looks a lil’ fishy and it’s making me angry” brigade.

I wish she stabbed him and took his soul.