Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Those speed limits only work because each lane has a designated speed range. It’d be nice if MA, MD, and DC drivers would get the F out of the left lane when they’re going under the speed limit. 

The problem wouldn’t be you being a skilled driver, it would be you interacting with those who aren’t. Honestly, the biggest problem on freeways would probably be lane discipline if such a license existed. All the “I’m doing 5 over the speed limit, he can go around me if he wants,” people and just plain oblivious

That won’t stop the unlicensed drivers in your scenario from 1) driving just as fast anyway, or 2) running into your smug ass and your high-speed license plate. Probably while not insured. 

Nah, McQueen was a good actor. As long as he worked within a certain role. You don’t have to have a wide range to be good - and McQueen didn’t have wide range. But he knocked it out of the park when cast correctly - and it was usually as a rebellious loner with a strong personal ethic and troubled past. A role like

pfft, who told you that? The government? “Scientists”? Government scientists?

Companies would also literally hire mercenaries to assault and kill striking workers 100 years ago. Even if every union in America evaporated into nothing tomorrow, I have serious doubts that the kinds of literally life threatening conditions experienced when unions were absolutely necessary would suddenly spring back

Unions, when used correctly and held accountable, are a useful tool in maintaining a wealth power balance. They’re not inherently good and they’re not anyone’s salvation.

Apparently you don’t of read your own articles. They put forward a pretty convincing argument why the UAW is a steaming unproductive corrupt piece of shit. That you occasionally throw in an identify fallacy that they’re good simply because of what they purport to be doesn’t change that. Jesus Fucking Christ, man.

Where'd you get the graphs? Without more information it's hard to draw a conclusion that a decline in Union membership actually changes anything. Correlation does not equal causation

Pfft, f@@k Rum, pure Brazilian Cachaça baby. 

Seriously. Just in my small/medium sized town firefighter and police unions have fought tooth and nail to protect multiple members that were driving under the influence that resulted in assaults, property damage, and two deaths.  We’ve got “rubber roomed” teachers that cannot be fired.  Unions need to grow a backbone

Here’s the thing: Unions no longer have the power that they say they have to protect the workers. We have employment laws that are in place to protect employees, and we have OSHA that ensure the workers’ safety. Unions aren’t doing anything other than skimming money off of the members’ paychecks. They offer shitty

I figure you’re for a similarly-minded tax for Demons, GT500s, & such, which get as much use out of 600+ HP as the bro-dozers get from lift kits. Right? Go further... Less than 4 seatbelts? Tax those MFers heavily. Lowered? Tariffs. Unused cargo space in that sedan or crossover? Let’s fine them bastards.

Years ago, Harley-Davidson and Ford sold a co-branded F-150 pickup alongside other special F-150s like the King Ranch, High Country, etc.

I lol’d embarrassingly loud upon reading the obviously sarcastic caption. Its called comedy. 

Oh, she’s not joking. She wants her dope back.

I see this as the Hubby going Full Dangerfield and trying to get something new into his marriage.

Oh yeah! Back in college we took the cap off somebody’s pickup truck to haul what I think was 20-30 wooden chairs in one trip. And then separately we moved half a dozen tables. (Don’t worry, it was entirely on private roads and nobody was in danger.)

Only if you measure two dimensions. Height will kill you 

The Cybertruck will have 3 frunks. And 12 access doors. And I’m going to call it the F-151. - Elon.