Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

“He’s launching rockets and disrupting industries”

The billionaire defender has logged on.

“I hit stupid orange cones all the time, ON PURPOSE, because, like Elon, I realize they serve no useful purpose except to hold back a multitide ofimbeciles like you, sitting in your cars, slaves to one stupid little orange cone.”



I still can’t get over the bad sci-fi prop look. It’s like a low budget movie vehicle where the props guy hand-welded sheet metal and ridiculous hubcaps on a Camry to make it look like a dystopian future vehicle.

I dunno, “rich guy drives truck missing a number of important safety features on public roads, promptly runs over child-size object” seems like it’s of interest. Heck, that someone’s driving around this weird-ass prototype is of interest.


Geeze, who said this thing was going to have awful blindspots...

You should demand a refund.

Shockingly, cars are posted on a car site

Theres a Buick version of this as well.  You’ll probably have to scroll past that article as well in a few days.  I hope you can handle the hardship of it all.

“Cars today are too expensive!”

Because how could anyone be excited for a good looking, user friendly, likely competently driving vehicle? Like, we don’t all have to be sports car drooling, hyper-car loving people. The best thing about automotive culture is that everyone has a wide range of tastes. Just because we think differently than you, doesn’t

My hottest take: 11 second 0-60 times are perfectly fine for the average commuter.

Oh... my... God... Becky. Look at those wheels! They are so... big, it looks like one of those rap guys’ cars. But ya know, who understand those rap guys? They only drive them because, they need to fit more prostitutes, ‘kay? I mean, those wheels are so big. I can’t believe they are just so round, they are like out

ALL cars matter!

This, and $13,000 for a 20 year old, 100k mile, turbo’d Corvette with methanol injection that was definitely used at some point is already crack pipe even without the unfixed damage.

The rock was probably texting and wasn’t paying attention to the cars and deserved to get driven over.  

Pastrami is the most sensual of meats.