Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Correction, the patent for synthetic, long lasting insulin expired in 2014. So anyone can now produce a bio-similar.

That’s it! Cringy AF!

I am interested to see how they get around the patents.

The main issue is not with the market, it’s with the patent system for pharma. Right now big pharma can pretty much keep the patents going perpetually as long as they make the slightest improvement to a drug. This is the case with insulin and why there are no cheaper generics. Make a slight improvement and keep upping

This seems to happen a lot with the Stranger Things cast. Who was that famous woman tweeted Finn Wolfhard around season 1 or 2 to look her up when he turned 18? Yikes! 

Most likely they’ll have numerous corporations who specialize in that knocking on their door. As with most of these types of resources, the countries themselves don’t (mostly) actually do any of this. They partner with corporations who build all the infrastructure and run everything and both share the profits. I

What gets me is I drive past a bike path back and forth to work and still come across cyclists who will still ride in the road instead of the dedicated bike path (that follows the exact same path as the road). I mean, it’s not that they are driving in the road, I don’t care about that, it’s that why would you take on

Machine guns are illegal on a federal level.

Yeah, I know. It just pissies me off. They’re all about “right to life” expcect when it’s an actual living breathing human being.

“Show me on this doll where the Lexus touched you...”

I feel bad for the cyclist, and he fears for his saftey, but goddammit! He needs to press charges. The DA also needs to charge this asshole with attempted murder and send his ass to prison. Otherwise, as it stands, he gets a slap on the wrist and then what? Next time he actually plows into a cyclist and kills him\her?

I wouldn’t do a cruise ship but have been considering one of those Viking river boat cruises where they travel the Danube. Anyone ever been on one? Is it worth it?

Add Abbot and DeSantis to that and you got a deal!

I mean, honestly, with the latest SCOTUS ruling on abortions and their statements thereof, they’ve really only hurt themselves. Since they came out a emphasized that they don’t make law, they only set legal precedence, and it’s up to congress, or failing that, each state to make the laws, they’ve literally

Sorry, I couldn’t understand you with Trumps balls in your mouth.

LOL! The one guy at the beginning, “what about the drunk pedestrian?”

Umm, FUCK NO!!

The problem with the SCOTUS’s recent rulings is it’s a double edged sword for both SCOTUS and the Republicans. SCOTUS doesn’t make law, they only make legal precedence. And we’ve already seen states ignore SCOTUS rulings in the past, so even with the recent SCOTUS rulings (specifically gun control, prayers at school

Make an effort to learn the national language, especially if your going to be staying for a while. This goes for ANY traveler traveling to a foreign country, not just Americans. Just the other day a saw a (Spanish, South American?) woman berating a store clerk because he didn’t know any Spanish (I live in the US) and

You know what? Fuck right off!!