Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

I suspect next they will be rolling back equal rights for minorities and women and leaving those up to states as well. Hell, at this rate, we’ll be looking like the good old days of yesteryear, when Gays stayed in the closet, women earned less (even less than they do now) and stayed in the kitchens, and POC are once

Does homeowners insurance cover “Acts of Government Fuck Up”? I don’t recall seeing anything like that in my home owners insurance. I feel for those people who invariably are going to have to fight both the insurance companies and the state government to get their homes rebuilt and their possessions replaced.

And out of all this, he and Tesla are now being sued by those laid off for violating Federal Labor law. Apparently, if you let go more than 500 employees for one location in a large enough company you are required to give them 60 days notice before actually terminating them. It just doesn’t end with this asshat.

Is this new phone company going to go to shit like OnePlus did? Their latest OS is shit on a stick.

Zing! right over your head!

I mean if he kept it more to the orginal with the oiriginal type engine, this would be great for puttering around the neighborhood to bar\pubs (I live in an area close to water that has a number bars\pubs along the water front). And if the price was actually within a reasonable range. But this thing? ND!

I don’t recall. In this case (IIRC) they closed because several planes ended up blowing tires from landing on that very hot tarmac.

Yeah, I think in this instance, the temperatures were exceeding 120. It was crazy, no one went outside. An on top of that, Phoenix has an almost constant breeze but in those times, when you walk outside, it’s like a blast of air from a hot furnace.

He’s in Cancun with Ted Cruz.

The year (or year before, I can’t recall exactly it was in the 1990's) I left Phoenix to come out East, there was a heat wave. I was a delivery driver at the time and it was so hot (how hot was it?) that the AC in my van did nothing more than blow cool air across me. It didn’t actually keep the inside of the van cool.

“Mr Musk, once you’ve taken over Twitter, will this company turn into the tech bro, misogynistic and racist environment your other companies are?”

I hear Putin calling you comrade!

Well I was going to say something close. My guess was it was a Furry looking for a little late night action.

There have been several articles already about it. That Proud Boys (see Mama’s Boys) leader was in that cesspit ranting about how the video was all spliced together and edited to make it sound like they were all bad, bad people. Never mind the fact that all the violence can’t possibly be edited in. But you know, they

I knew there was more to it than what is in the article. And what you posted makes more sense. The article probably should have articulated and elaborated more on this to include what you mentioned. I’m pretty sure GEICO auto insurenace doesn’t cover “acts of carnal knowledge”.

Yeah, don’t lump this American in with your bullsit. Some of us can actually think for ourselves.

Ok, count me very excited. This might possibly be the best Prey movie yet (yes, even better than the original).

No, no no! Fuck you NSO! You’ve already claimed in the past that you simply sell your software and whatever country or corporation does with it afterwards is not on you (although they did claim that some of these uses by these governments\corporations went against their TOS). You don’t get to suddenly change your

Yup, can’t have your cake and eat it too. Super PACs from both sides of the aisle have been working these shady, gray areas for years and getting away with it because technically it’s not illegal. You want it to stop, outlaw Super PACs (which I’m all for).