Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

True, but in my case, I tend to wake up around 4am every morning and have trouble getting back to to sleep. Getting up and going to work at that time isn’t feasible for me (or that’s what I would be doing), so sleeping in on the weekends helps me make up for lost sleep during the week.

It all came to a Head when they crashed into that van.

This is getting fun to watch. Not only because of the obvious, but he’s pretty much pissed Twitter and their shareholders off. And they aren’t just going to let this go. Not only that, this isn’t just some smaller company that Musk can just litigate into the ground. Twitters got just as many high priced lawyers and

Not when he’s waived his right to do so and signed and contract thusly. Sorry, he screwed himself over and now he’s on the hook and doesn’t just get to walk away, nor does he get to demand information he has no right to.

Whelp, assholes are gonna asshole!

Holy shit snacks! That guy never even bothered looking up.

Nope, it hasn’t gotten that far yet. He’s still stalling, and Twitter is still saying they are going forward with the sale as originally contacted. In order to get out of the sale and pay the $1bn termination fee he has to show just cause why he can’t purchase Twitter at the contracted price. Which he hasn’t done yet,

Ploy or not, he’s still on the hook for it.

Well, he’s gotta do something to offset the costs of buying Twitter. Cause one way or another, it’s gonna cost him.

Oh No, my secret crush is leaving Facebook, excuse me, Metaverse?

I don’t know. I’ve yet to meet anyone who’s bought a car from a dealership coming away thinking, “Gee, that was the best experience of my life, how did I not do this before!?”. Instead it’s usually “Fuck this shit, why can’t I just buy my car direct from the manufacturer?”

If they shit in a “liberal toilet” then that means the libtards are owning their shits, and they would “cancel” their shits. They can’t have that! Their shits cannot be cancelled by the libtards “cancel culture”. Their shits must be heard, they are proud patriotic shits and they WILL NOT BE CANCELLED!!

And the state government compelling said speech is actually completely contrary to the first amendment. They are the very epitome of fascist and overreaching government (the very things they claim to be against). They would be right at home in Putin’s Russia.

I hear pickle juice dumped into the gas tank is pretty good at saving on fuel. Especially because you won’t be driving your car anytime soon afterwards.

Yup, a lot of them have the feature where they actually turn off cylinders when at cruising speeds or coasting downhill. Like for example the Chrysler/FCA has the MDS system.

My (non-exotic) Hybrid is nice to drive and has a nice interior and is just nice overall. Sure there are a few quirks that I may not like, but that can be said of any vehicle. You basing your opinion of one loaner is just silly.

Yup, just look at Musk... *rimshot*

Except the human eye can’t see infrared.

Got it.

That’s what I’m saying, he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.