Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Mars is known for it’s winds. Wind turbines?

Once again, Apple selling stuff that costs way more than it should and to make. I can get a full set of Torx bits and driver for about $15 almost anywhere online. I actually already have multiple sets at home because Apple isn’t the only one who uses Torx screws.

If I was going to buy a two seater sportser it would be one like this. Still in good shape, low mileage. NP.

Here in the states they have dimmer capable LED bulbs. Several of my rooms have dimmers and I use the dimmer capable LEDs and they work just as good as incandescent bulbs. I also have 3 ways that I also buy 3 way LEDs for that work fine.

For those worried about LED bulbs as e-waste, there are recycling programs for LED bulbs which people should use as LED bulbs contain rare earth materials which can be reused (and are in finite supply). Many of these programs will send you prepaid recycling containers to ship your used LED bulbs off to their

There are recycling programs for LED bulbs which people should use as LED bulbs contain rare earth materials which can be reused (are in finite supply). Many of these programs will send you prepaid recycling containers to ship your used LED bulbs off to their recycling facilities.

Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey Thinks It’s Great Elon Musk Is Buying the Company “I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness the spread of misinformation and outright bullshit,” Dorsey tweeted on Monday.

I had a car enthusiast and weekend rally driver I used to work with that swore by Saturns. He bought a used Saturn (I think he paid around 4k for it) as his daily commute for several reasons. They’re reliable. They’re cheap to fix, and parts are readily available. Considering the pretty good condition of this one I

Bravo! Very well said, a thousands stars for you.

In the Texas county where that kid ran over those cyclists while trying to coal roll them it is illegal. They actually have a law against it and that was one of the charges against the kid.

Cops sit outside (like across the street) from bars and such all the time. I always see them parked along the road outside busy bars and clubs. Maybe it’s different in your state, but in many states I’ve lived in it is not uncommon.

I grew up in the Midwest, a small farming community and it was not at all uncommon to send your young kid up the street to grab a couple things from the local market. Or pull up to a convenience store and send them in to grab what you need. Of course this was back in the 70's and 80's, not so sure you’d do that now.

I do to. My partner is always walking into a room and saying “talking to yourself again?”. Early on in our relationship I told her she will often come across me talking to myself aloud and that’s how I work through problems and tasks. Her only response was, “As long as I don’t hear two voices”.

You fucking turd Nikita. You don’t have to be a politician, or athlete, or anything else other than a human fucking being with a soul to speak out about what is going on in Ukraine. You’re just a soulless rich kid Russian like your fuck buddy Putin.

In 2022...2023...2024...

Yeah, anyone who’s had to commute and part of that commute takes them through a tunnel knows the agony of an accident in said tunnel. Pretty much you’re whole day it shot.


So, it’s the Maglev of the Mid-Atlantic.

Well, that’s not necessarily the case. Villages in China have been drenched with toxic rocket fuel from launches. But since China could give two regular lengths of shit less for their own people, your point still stands.

Oy! This fucking guy again.