Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Starnge. I wasn’t given that choice. The game only let me start with The Phantom Menace and had every other episode was locked off. I just completed TPM and it only unlocked the next episode AotC. All the other movies are locked for me.

Yeah, I finally was able to pick up the card I was after for about $200 over MSRP. That’s the cheapest it’s been since this whole “shortage” began. I figured that $200 over MSRP is fine and probably where prices are going to settle anyway from now on.

Umm, I’ve never had a problem finding a GPU. Never. Just had a problem finding one that wasn’t two to three times MSRP. Not sure why everyone was saying they couldn’t find any. They’ve always been out there and available if you’re were willing to pay the extra cost.

If it means an end to slide shows...I’m for it!


NSO: We created the ultimate spyware tools. But it can only be used for law enforcement purposes.

So, I’m guessing part of the movie is Thor getting back into shape during Infinity War. There’s the scene in the trailer with him still with his gut and working out with those chains on some distant world, Maybe that’s when they explain the reconstruction of Mjolnir.

I may joke about the guy in an M5 I came across while driving behind the other day, he was driving like an old lady, but people don’t realize how much torque these beasts have and as much as the car costs, I can honestly understand him driving like that.

Yeah, We owned a Kia once...once. Never again. After the timing belt (IIRC) broke while traveling down the freeway as 65MPH, and the engine was destroyed, they wouldn’t pay for an engine replacement because I was something like 13 miles over the 60,000 mile mark and hadn’t yet had the 60,000 mile service done (it was

I’ll give him as much as $800 for it. Anymore than that it’s ND.

You had me at Kung Fu Hustle!

Yeah, for a second I was like “wait, does he mean exporters and not producers”? In the top 4 for producers but only in the top 10 for exporting. However, I expect that to change with the plans to wean Europe off of Russian oil. I see the US possibly moving into the top 5 exporters.

Umm, last I checked, no, the US is not an OPEC member.



I actually tend to agree with you in that it will be dismissed. And it’s still questionable if he did in fact break the SEC rules as we haven’t heard anything from the SEC on this yet. However, it’s his MO as he likes to taunt and troll.

Good, I hope this gains class action status and more people pile on. Plus the SEC brings charges against him. He keeps acting like normal rules and laws don’t apply to him and until he gets slapped down hard enough he’s just going to keep doing this shit.

Perhaps I was a bit vague. I wasn’t referring to these much more restrictive voter laws they are passing now, which are blatantly meant to block more Minorities from voting, I’m referring to laws they passed that still fell within the Voting Rights act. If you look at a lot of these red states timelines, they went

I think Obama played a major part in this. Up until then, the racist, fascist alt-righters never dreamed a Black man could be in power, much less be POTUS. Then when that day came it was a rude awakening, an “OH SHIT!” moment. After which they couldn’t stand by and let the Black man take over Murica and destroy their

The last 10 years. Right about when a Black man was first elected POTUS. I don’t think it just a coincidence. Likewise, there were never any of these restrictive state voter laws being passed prior to Obama being elected, but now here we are. Again, I don’t think it’s a coincidence.