Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

YES! I get “flight itis” anyway and almost always fall asleep immediately after takeoff. So it wouldn’t be anything different for me. :D

Spirit Airlines...The Florida of airlines!

Take your star and go home!

Let’s take that a step further...are there plans for a national EV charging network in that new Infrastructure plan they’re trying to pass? Because if there isn’t, then they’re just putting the cart before the horse.

1st Gear: And yet here in the good ol’ U-S of A, we’re making policies and plans to cap those incentives. *Sigh* Are we never going to learn?

“There’s rules for this. I don’t know what they are but there’s rules”....

The really fucked up part of his resignation is he still doesn’t realize what he did was wrong. He talks about “it’s just my way” and it being a “generational gap” and the “line was redrawn”. What a fucking tool. The line was never redrawn, it’s always been right where it is. He just stepped over is so long ago he

Move along, nothing to see here!

Ignore the decades long droughts, rampant wild fires and melting glaciers, that’s all normal.

I didn’t read through the entire comments, so if it’s been asked already my apologies. My question is will it come with an optional bed cover?

And on that note. Is this going to be the future of FSD? Is it going to be like,

This is common throughout AZ and other desert states. When it gets hot and dry like it is now, the ground basically turns to cement, and when there is a sudden heavy rain, the ground cannot soak up the moisture, so it has to go somewhere. It’s not uncommon this time of year to see roadways and small overpasses washed

Every time I see the short video of them backing up I keep expecting one of them to yell “SHIELD WALL!!”. :D

Dogs are like humans and benefit best from a low fat, diverse nutritional and balanced diet. Dogs are much more susceptible to severe Pancreatitis from eating to much fatty food.

I had an 87 Bronco which was body-on-frame at the time. Wrecked my front end, no frame damage though. Went around to parts yards and literally found a bolted together whole front end sitting on a pallet. Paid the guy $800 and myself and couple friends pulled the old body parts off, set the whole front end onto the

“But what is a big deal is that this happens still, and that excited fans of the brand have to deal with these issues on expensive cars, and on top of all that, have to endure hardcore Tesloids accusing them of lying or diminishing any problem their holy cars might have.”

I can most certainly empathize with this woman. My brother was killed and the driver of the car he was in was permanently paralyzed from the waist down when the car they were in was hit from behind by a speeding car. Turns out the police were chasing him because he had a minor drug possession warrant. They chased him

I could care less about the Squat or Donks, don’t bother me in the least. To each his own. But I will say the first time I saw a Squatted truck my first thought was “How the hell do you see over the hood?”. It does seem, in the extreme cases, that it could pose a safety issue.

At least the TRD Pro is coming in colors other than shades or white or black. C’mon, whatever happened to having a vehicle color other than white, black or some shade of gray. Talk about drab and unappealing.


Yup, first time I died was from chopping down a tree. First it fell on me, then the trunk rolled over me and finished the job (I was standing downhill of the tree). I was hooked after that. And also learned to stand up hill of trees I chop down. 😁