Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

She knowingly and intentionally used permanent glue as hair spray. Ok, we all do stupid shit on occasion. I can sympathize there. But then, she doubles down on stupidity by getting a lawyer and announcing she may sue Gorilla Glue for her stupid act? Sorry, at that point my sympathy drains away. And her claim is,

Man, that stuff brings back memories. Growing up in a small farming community in rural Illinois that stuff was the go to for fixing farm machinery and cars alike. My Aunts and Uncles always had a can or two on hand. Most of em would even keep a can in the car, for emergencies. I practically forgot about the stuff

Anyone notice the wheelchair with crane lift unload in the truck bed? I’m wondering if the driver if handicapped and has those hand controls for driving. Could be he got his controls confused or couldn’t switch controls fast enough.

It’s R2, not Artoo. ;)

That’s called car jacking....and it’s generally frowned upon. :D

Does it also comply with Federal Motor Safety Standard 49C.F.R.571.50? I know a lot of states that allow low speed vehicles also require they comply with certain saftey standards. Just curious as I’ve actually been considering buying something similar as most of my trips to the stores are all within a few blocks of my

A little persepctive.

Being from MD I approve this message!


Nope, not even for half that amount!

Nope, not even for half that price.

1st car a 1965 (or maybe 66, I forget) Ford Galaxie 500


Yet more blackout editions of various car models...how original.

Hey Pete! You do know that ol Zuck did everything he could short of signing over his first born to get FB into China. He even went so far as to develop software for detecting and censoring posts that they deemed “inappropriate”. Likewise, FB in other countries such as Russia actively censor posts those countries

I thought waxing (especially with a mechanical buffer) also stripped off a bit of the clear coat? Or does the wax coat prevent that?

I thought waxing (especially with a mechanical buffer) also stripped off a bit of the clear coat? Or does the wax

Yeah, but that’s not a real one. It’s a custom H van made by a third party.

I always loved the quirky looks of these vans from the very first time I came across one decades ago. I always had this idea of turning one into a sorta camping van.

Is it me or do most “supercars” look as if the drivers should have oily, slicked back hair, wearing cheesy flowery print silk shirts, well opened to show off their very hairy chest and about 20 large gold chains around their neck?