
I don’t understand why successful youtubers seem to complain so much about comments all the time. Just ignore them....Like, you;re rich as fuck, who cares?

I love how the internet always overreacts to everything while understanding nothing.

I haven’t watched digimon since I was a kid, but those screen shots look like its turn based. I’ll literally buy it just because of that, and because digimon was pretty cool when I was a kid lol.

I’m surprised how much I liked the game given how much I hated destiny. I think destiny being first person with massive bullet sponges bugged me more. The bullet sponges are not too bad in the division.

Maybe not, but that is funny as hell.

If you’re new to the game? Sure don’t do that. But power leveling like that is great if you’re a vet and don’t want to slog through it the old way.

I didn’t know it became terminal. I thought he beat it last year. Sorry to hear that =/

Wait, what? Its running on UE3?? Why?


I feel like the writer of this article completely missed the point of the show. Like this quote here.

You said, “Whoa whoa whoa. There are people who think the original DBZ run is better than Kai?”

Well considering the outrage is taking the scene completely out of context of what actually happened? Ya its pretty stupid and typical of the internet rage now a days to bitch without knowing all the details

Shit man I did that all the time when I was deployed lol. Worked at night so waking up in the middle of the day to make a long ass walk to the latrines outside in the hot ass desert to take a piss? No thanks *grabs an empty bottle*

People are stupid and overly sensitive, that’s all there is to it.


It has the Japanese soundtrack which imo is better than the american soundtrack.

Or you could just watch kai that removes all the filler.

That was the point......It removes all the filler that was never in original content (the manga). Back in the day anime didn’t have seasons. A popular show would keep going (like naruto does now, but its a remnant old the ways.) When the show was getting to close to the current manga chapters they created filler

Ya purists hate kai despite how much better it made the show.

I think I’ll pass.