Raaaaaaaadaniel Chicago


Aight, Scrooge. Can I call you Scrooge? Formal titles versus nicknames and whatnot.

But getting the seeds out of the permagranate is such a pain in the ass.

The hole is one thing, but you all should see the proposed building that was abandoned:

Put up this sign. That should do it.

Considering it is in the corrupt city of Chicago, perhaps a GIANT wheelbarrow, being tipped up on it’s end, with an “endless” supply of money being dumped into the hole would be appropriate.

This one made me laugh the hardest! Poor Jet Li!

One theory is that the cow was just giving the little chick a ride and the little thing is perfectly fine in the first stomach.

I want to marry this whole thread.

I’m gonna have to one-up you there, buddy. #sorrynotsorry

I’ll never get sick of this.

After your last image, I... I have to post this:

“It’s also worth pointing out that the demo only offered the man’s perspective, so I hope the final library is less gender normative.”

Thank you. I hate this site sometimes.

“It’s also worth pointing out that the demo only offered the man’s perspective, so I hope the final library is less gender normative.”