As the President of the United States has said, WRONG.
As the President of the United States has said, WRONG.
First thing I said to my wife when she slapped his dick into the 20th century: “He’s going to fucking kill her, not now but when his dick heals”
Yup, someone had to go back and freezeframe that one second of the scene right before she backhands his dick into oblivion.
Right, how did they leave out the fact that Perry GRABBED HER BY THE HAIR AND NECK as she tried to get away right before she smashed his dick with a strong, smooth backhand?!
Oh man, why’d you make me literally laugh out loud in my class.....
Well done.
I’ve always found it best to be wary of those who mention their particular religiosity as a “First and foremost” in any kind of introduction.
I feel like this sounds similar to how people believe in conspiracy theories or Scientology for instance.....
Sorry, you can’t argue with dementia:
I heard a Freakonomics podcast talking about aging Physicians and Surgeons, and that you’re more likely to be injured by a more experienced Doc than a younger one for those same reasons.
Paranoid about people coming at him to “physically destroy” him?.....Yup.
‘scuse me......King Ahab has a “vinyard” not you Queen Jezzies!
Also, a “vinyard” is where you grow tiny Vin’s actually quite terrifying.
“He wouldn’t raise his hands above his head!! And was in a military-style prone position!! We had no choice but to fire 10000 bullets!”
We definitely don’t want to raise kids here eother. My buddy bought a nice house in a gentrifying part of the city and they don’t have a backyard. They have a 1 yr old too. And they already had someone break into their house while they were walking their daughter down the block. Couple dipshit high school aged kids no…
Ah. Well Facebook mainly keeps me abreast of what these people are doing (and not doing) as well as what their shitty political opinions are from the dumbass memes they post.
I have no idea what this means.....
The funniest part of the whole thing was the first question he takes is a reporter (RIGHTLY) pointing out that all Sessions did today was repeat an OBAMA ERA RULE from the DOJ.
People should look into the highway funds/drinking age law that passed.....It was HIGHLY ineffective in forcing states to change their laws, and no highway funds were ever withheld as a result.
Is this the fucking Attorney General of the US claiming that local municipalities have to comply with federal immigration laws???
Authoritarians will ALWAYS find an anecdote or two to justify whatever backwards bullshit they’re pushing.
I was going to be equally defensive when I read the headline, but then I actually read the article.