
If they voted to hand the world’s richest man an additional $56 billy, they’re going to vote to hand money over to other companies, going to vote to smash their own balls, and vote to nuke Costa Rica because it sounds Spanish-y. Rubes, cultists, and sycophants rule the voting bloc.

Haven’t you heard, Tesla is no longer a car company. It’s an AI company... and the CEO is running an AI company of his own! Instead of that being grounds to kick him to the curb, they’re going to pay him billions to buy his side hustle he was working on instead of doing his actual CEO job! And there’s no question this

If they focused on that, they wouldn’t have given him the largest payday in history while he grinds Tesla into dust. They’re all drug buddies and sycophantic cult members, they’ll do whatever he wants.

I hope they vote against him. X and xAI have nothing to do with Tesla and should not be intermixed financially unless xAI is involved in FSD/AutoPilot.

In my little section of West Alabama, whenever we have power outages following a massive storm, we offer the utility workers some food and drink while they work to show our appreciation. I’m serious. We usually have our power restored faster than everyone else.

We just are so much better than this.

The only “free speech” people like Musk care about protecting are hate speech, lies, and other types of abuse.

Yeah but ...

Honestly, Musk is holding back America in EV adoption.

It doesn’t sound like this is even about breach of contract in the first place. If it was that simple, he’d have sued them immediately. It’s not at all clear what crime is actually being alleged here because there’s nothing illegal about privately lobbying corporations to change their ad policies. It would only be

Yep they complain all day about cancel culture while also joyfully participating in it. 

This stuff is just red meat for the base. The right absolutely loves boycotts and retaliation against “woke corporations” like Disney or AB, but when one of their own darlings is the target, they scream bloody murder.

Ka-ching!  COTD.

Given that the Supreme Court is now basically just “whatever rich right wing assholes want”, I guess anything is possible.

Let me rush out and buy a car from this piece of shit.

To my ears, the “go F*ck Yourself” statement that Elon made sounds a lot like a legally binding and hard to misinterpret release of any advertising contract that a company might have had with X and its CEO.

Too many people have learned that the quick way to money is to destroy a profitable business.  (Sears, Kmart, Toysrus, red lobster...)

Q: what could Tesla have done with $56,000,000,000 in assets to improve the quality of their cars? A: a lot.

It has come out that the roll over risk of the Samurai was propaganda put out by Ford. The Bronco ll was more at risk of roll over than the Samurai.

but it’s never likely to pass our strict crash-test regulations.