
And I don’t get the appeal of stuff like F1. Seems boring.

Pretty decent write up. Emphasis needs to be added that the charter agreement that 13 of the 15 teams signed not only include language waiving their right to sue for anti-trust, but also the fact that NASCAR would also own the likeness rights to the teams for the durations of the charters.

Technologically, AM radio is probably the cheapest, most robust way to reach the most people quickly.

Yes, it’s awesome to find an AM radio broadcast of Coast to Coast AM during a night drive down a dimly lit country road. It’s the best way to consume tales of sasquatches and alien visitations.

Agreed. The fact that nearly nobody has an AM radio anywhere but in their car and that it might be the last lifeline in the event of something tragic - it seems like a reasonable expectation that all cars would continue to have it.

First of all, I always take cost estimates like those with a large grain of salt. “3.8 billion dollars between now and 2030" parceled out over an estimated 85 million cars sold between 2025 and 2030 (17 million per year) is about $45 per car. Not the end of the world. Also not the use of the word “could,” not “would.”

AM radio turns any night behind the wheel into a trip.

How else will small towns broadcast daredevil stunts?

Grew up in Newton, undergrad at B.U.

It’s the opposite. When you move the load from the receiver out to the ball, the vertical force supported by the hitch stays the same, but the bending moment increases. So, tongue weight should be lower than vertical load limit.

Elon is genius !!!

But if you remember your statics class the sun off all forces in a given direction must equal 0 or else the item would be moving.  So if the only force on the hitch is younger weight down, that would be the vertical limit for the hitch as well, that younger weight will also impart a moment on the hitch but that is all

Seriously. I way considerably more than 160lbs. My kid brothers are both over 6ft 300lbs at this point. Any of us would violate the warranty on the hitch by stepping on it once. That's insane. 

That is low of true. The hitch on a BMW e39 M5 is rated at 200 lbs tongue weight and 4000 lbs towing capacity. And it is literally just bolted to the sheet metal under the car.

Now playing

Just pulling a CT out of trouble could break the hitch off.

I can’t find any confirmation that it’s J2807 certified. Obviously we’ve seen it tow loads that would likely put more than 160lbs of downward force on the hitch, but between the lack of clear certification and Whistlin’ Diesel’s video, it does seem like there’s a real possibility that it didn’t clear the 2500 lb

Isn’t the tech billionaire motto “forget certifications, let’s break stuff...”

Or is that just on submersibles? 

A vertical weight limit for something like a hitch-mounted bike rack could potentially stress different components than a trailer since all of the weight is on the hitch without any wheels of its own to distribute the weight

Apparently this truck can’t even handle one of those Harbor Freight “trailers-in-the-box”.